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In 2018, blacks and browns became 50.3% of the students of higher education in the public network. As they were the majority of the population (55.8%),...
Product: Social Inequalities due to Color or Race in Brazil
In 2018, about 11.8% of the teenagers aged 15 to 17 years of age who were in the 20% of the population with the lowest earnings dropped out of school...
The unemployment rate (11.8%) in the quarter ended September 2019, changed by -0.3 percentage points (p.p.) in comparison with the quarter Apr-Jun...
The Gini Index of the per capita household real monthly average earnings, which varies from zero (equality) to one (maximum inequality), was estimated...
Product: Continuous National Household Sample Survey
Households with earnings up to two minimum wages (R$1,908.00) committed more of its budget with food and housing expenditures than those with earnings...
Product: Consumer Expenditure Survey
The unemployment rate (11.8%) in the moving quarter ended quarter August 2019 decreased by 0.4 percentage points (p.p.) against the quarter March-May...
In 2018, only 8.3% of the municipalities had women’s police stations and 9.7% of the Brazilian municipalities provided specialized services aimed...
In 2018, 15 Federation Units had a State Food and Nutrition Security Plan. In 2013, 10 did. Laos in 2018, only 11 states had sent state resources...
In the quarter ended July 2019, the unemployment rate (11.8%) decreased by 0.6 percentage points (p.p.) against the previous quarter (February-April...
The IBGE discloses today the estimates of the population living in the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, taking as reference the date of July 1st of 2019....
Product: Population Estimates
Starting on Monday, August 26, nearly 1,500 IBGE´s survey agents will visit 108 thousand households in more than three thousand municipalities in...
Product: National Survey of Health
The unemployment rate in the country in Q2 2019 was 12.0%, having fallen in both comparisons: -0.7 percentage points (p.p.) against Q1 2019 (12.7%)...
In the quarter ended June 2019, the unemployment rate (12.0%) decreased by 0.7 percentage points (p.p.) against the January-March quarter in 2019...
“National and International Review on the Production of Social Indicators: Governance Statistics” is the third publication in a series of studies...
In the quarter ended in 2019, the unemployment rate (12.3%) stayed stable in relation to the quarter from December 2018 to February 2019 (12.4%)...
The results from the Education module of the Continuous Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) show that there was improvement in almost all the...
The IBGE releases today (May 31) the values of the per capita household income - PCHI and coefficients of regional imbalance - CRI related to 2018...
In the quarter ended in April 2019, the unemployment rate (12.5%) changed 0.5 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to the quarter from November 2018...
From 2016 to 2017, the Central West Region had recorded a decrease from 94.7% to 81.7% in the number of municipalities with daily availability of...
In Brazil, the unemployment rate of Q1 2019 was 12.7%, 1.1 percentage points above that of the previous quarter (11.6%) and 0.4 percentage points...
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