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Estadic 2018: 15 of the 27 Federation Units have a state food and nutrition security plan

September 25, 2019 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 26, 2019 06h13 PM

In 2018, 15 Federation Units had a State Food and Nutrition Security Plan. In 2013, 10 did. Laos in 2018, only 11 states had sent state resources to municipalities aiming at the development of programs, projects and public services aimed at the production, supply and consumption of food.

In 2018, There was an increase of 3.7% in the number of persons employed in state and district administration in comparison with 2017. Most of the employed persons (87.1%) were in direct administration. Civil servants were the majority in direct administration in all the Federation Units (FUs); in indirect administration, CLT employees (hired under the regime pursuant to the Consolidation of Brazilian Labor Laws) were the majority in Paraíba, Sergipe, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. The number of servants without a permanent contract increased by 39% in both spheres: 41% in direct and 20% in indirect administration.

In 2018, all the Federation Units had a department in charge of education, most of them with an exclusive state secretariat. Twenty of the 27 states had exclusive state secretariats for cultural affairs. All the Federation Units had structured social assistance, and four FUs had exclusive secretariats for that purpose. All the states reported having the following structured services: food security policy, policies aiming at productive inclusion and policies for women.

Number of workers out of a formal employment relationship increases by 41% in direct administration

The number of persons employed in direct and indirect administration, in 2018, was 3,128,994, an increase of 4.7% in relation to 2017 (3,016,028). From that total, 87.1% were in direct administration and 12.9% in indirect administration. Civil servants accounted for most of the employment relationships: in direct administration , they made up 84.5% in 2017; 81.9% in 2018; in indirect administration, 50% in 2017 and 51.7% in 2018. 

Table 1 - Persons employed in direct and indirect administration, by type of employment relationship 
Brazil - 2017/2018
Major Regions and Federation Units Persons employed in direct administration, by type of employment relationship 
Total (1) Civil Servants CLT Commissioned workers Interns Without a contract
Total 2 997 710 2 387 334 147 162 119 654 46 880 296 680
Direct administration 2 590 465 2 186 070 22 596 89 308 26 335 266 156
Indirect administration 407 245 201 264 124 566 30 346 20 545 30 524
Total 3 128 944 2 442 070 126 149 108 444 39 072 413 209
Direct administration 2 725 981 2 233 553 13 782 76 982 25 202 376 462
Indirect administration 402 963 208 517 112 367 31 462 13 870 36 747
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais, Pesquisa de Informações Básicas Estaduais 2017 e 2018.
(1) Para a construção desta tabela foram considerados como total, a soma dos quantitativos dos vínculos empregatícios informados.
(2) No ano de 2017: o Estado do Tocantins, Sergipe e Minas Gerais não informaram o total de estagiários da administração direta e indireta; e Roraima não informou o pessoal ocupado por vínculo empregatício da administração indireta.
(3) No ano de 2018: o Estado do Tocantins e Sergipe não informaram o total de estagiários da administração direta e indireta, Rio Grande do Sul não informou o total dos sem vínculo permanente da administração direta; e Minas Gerais não informou o total de celetistas e de estagiários da administração indireta.

In direct administration, civil servants were the majority in all the Federation Units, with biggest proportions in Minas Geris (97.0%), Rio de Janeiro (94.7%), Rio Grande do Norte (94.2%) and Rio Grande do Sul (91.3%). In indirect administration, civil servants were the majority in almost all the states, except in Paraíba, Sergipe, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, where CLT workers were the majority.

The percentage of employed persons in direct administration with a higher education degree changed from 57.1%, in 2014, to 56.6%, in 2018. In indirect administration, from 51.9% to 59.2%. The highest percentages were recorded in Santa Catarina (75.5%), São Paulo (72.7%), Mato Grosso (71.8%) and Goiás (71.7%); the lowest, in Rondônia (19.6%) and Alagoas (11.9%). In direct administration, the highest percentages were in Mato Grosso (84.6%), São Paulo (73.0%), Mato Grosso do Sul (68.9%) and Goiás (67.9%); the lowest percentages were recorded in Rondônia (22.9%) and Amapá (20.7%).

Education: 22 states have laws for the creation of school councils

In 2018, all the Federation Units had departments responsible for education, with 24 having an exclusive state secretariat. Out of the 27 states, only four had managers without a postgraduate degree; in 13 of them, the managers were administrators; most of the managers were men (16) and 20 managers belonged to the white color/race group.   

All the Federation Units had a State Education Council, a State Council for the Control and Management of Fundeb and the State Council of School Nutrition. Nevertheless, only the state of Pará and the Federal District provided regular qualification programs for the members of the State Education.

In 2018, most of the states had a law to set the creation of school councils. Only five of the Federation Units still lacked a specific law for the creation of school councils: Amazonas, Roraima, Ceará, Minas Gerais and Goiás.

Only Roraima and Maranhão adopted the appointment method for the choice of school directors in the state education segment, registering a decrease of 4.9 percentage points in comparison with 2014 (74.4%). São Paulo was the only location to have a competitive examination in order to select directors for state schools.  Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and the Federal District had elections only.

A total 17 cultural managers in 27 states were white

In 2018, the cultural management structure belonged to exclusive secretariats in 20 states; in 2014, in 21 states. The profile of cultural managers, in 2018, was the following: 21 male managers (against 19 in 2014); color or race (investigated for the first time in 2018) was mostly white (17), followed by brown (9) and black (1). The rather mixed age profile had the biggest number of managers above 60 (9). Most of the managers had  an undergraduate degree (11) or a graduate one in 2018 (11); in 2014, the respective figures were 10 and 15.

In relation to the budget calculated in the preceding year, 15 states implemented more than 80.0% em 2017; on the other hand, with up to 20%, stand out: Amapá and Tocantins.

There was a state plan for culture in 17 of the 27 FUs; seven of the plans were in the elaboration phase. there were sate funds directed to culture in 25 FUs (except in Amapá and Paraíba). All the states had public libraries. Except for Rondônia, all the states reported having heritage-protected material goods; 16 FUs having heritage-protected immaterial goods.

In 26 Federation Units, health secretariats are men

All the Federation Units had an exclusive health secretariat responsible for the management of the area. Most (25) of the secretariats were men, except in the states of Paraíba and Mato Grosso. Almost all (26) had a higher education degree and 12 had a degree in the medical field.

All the UFs had a regionalization master plan, state health insurance and a state health fund.  They also counted on joint deliberative state health councils, with independent facilities, access to computers, a telephone and the Internet. Nevertheless, Mato Grosso do Sul and Roraima did not have human resources and ten states did not have vehicles of their own.

Among the FUs that hired services for the management of health establishments, 15 were managed by social organizations. Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Rio Grande do Norte, Alagoas, Sergipe and Minas Gerais reported not  to have health establishments ruled by third parties.  

Women are the majority in social assistance management 

In 2018, all the Federation Units had a organized structure to deal with social assistance policies, with administrative bodies liked to the direct administration. Exclusive structures were found in Acre, Amazonas, Alagoas and São Paulo; in the other ones, their work was done in partnership with other policies. Most of the managers (15) were women; 15 of them were aged between  31 and 50 ; 12 of them were over 50 and only one of them did not have a higher education degree. 

Most of the Federation Units (23) had a social assistance plan. Only Maranhão, Bahia, Espírito Santo and Mato Grosso reported the opposite. In 2013, all the FUs reporte the existence of that type of plan. 

As in 2013, all the states had a Bipartite Interagency Commission (CIB), conducting meetings every 15 days, except Rondônia and Santa Catarina (monthly meetings) and Acre and Amapá (every three months). Similarly, all the states had a joint social assistance council, except Rio Grande do Sul, which had bigger representation by civil society. In all the Federation Units the councils counted on proper infrastructure and meetings were conducted in the 12 mnths preceding the data collection month. Only Piauí did not provide qualification programs directed to council members.  

In 2018, the Social Assistance Fund had been implemented in all the Federation Units. However, in three of them (Tocantins, Ceará and Mato Grosso), the disbursement officer was not a professional in the social assistance field. In 2013, only the Federal District maintained that status. 

In relation to social assistance services, 22 FUs reported performing some kind of activity. Some services were expected to be included in the municipal budget in the states of Pará, Piauí, Ceará, Pernambuco and Bahia; in Sergipe, all services were expected to be covered by the municipal budget. 

Among the 27 states, 15 have a state food and nutrition security plan 

Regarding the existence of structured food and nutrition security policies, eight Federation Units had the Intersector Chamber of Food and Nutrition Security as the body in charge of management; in Acre, there was ax exclusive secretariat; in Sergipe, a sector directly under the Executive Power. The other Federation Units reported that the existing structure was characterized as a secretariat in partnership with other policies and a sector under the administration of another secretariat. 

As in 2013, all the states had already formed State and District Food Security Councils, composed of 2/3 of the members of society and 1/3 from the government. 

In 2018, 15 Federation Units had State Food and Nutrition Security. In 2013, 10 did. Acre and Mato Grosso were the only ones not counting on their own resources - except counterpart partnerships with the federal government; in both Federation Units reported the existence of such resources. As for the transfer of state resources to municipalities for the development of programs, projects and public services supporting the production, supply and consumption of food, 11 states did not conduct transfers. 

Labor and income generation project is present in 26 states

In 2018, 16 Federation Units had undergone some kind of study and/or economic diagnosis between 2015 and 2017, under the responsibility of more than one body from state administration, with a highlight to the fields of agriculture, social assistance and labor.  All the FUs reported having developed actions, programs or projects related to productive inclusion.

Credit, microcredit or insurance actions were found in 22 states (in 2014, in  25 states); in 26 of them there were projects for the genertion of labor and income (in 2014, in 27 states).

Number of FUs with shelters for women victims of violence

In 2018, the bodies for policies for women, in the states, were predominatly under the management of another secretariat. In most of the states, they are under human rights policies. Other highlights are the relationships with social assistance in eleven states. Only in Sergipe and Goiás were those executive bodies managed by men. Most of the women managersare white, aged 40 to 60, with a higher education degree, at least. Considering the specific groups that at which political actions area aimed, lesbians were present in most of the states (18), followed by black women (17) and indigenous women (17).

Since the third edition of the National Plan of Policies for Women (PNPM), in 2013, there was incentive to the implementation of State Plans (PEPM);  by they had been implemented in 15 states, an increase in relation to 2013 (12) and 2012 (10). Most of the states that adopted the PEPM (12 UFs) managed to update it. 

In terms of the confrontation of violence, shelters were present in 20 FUs; in 2013, in 12 FUs. The state with the biggest number of shelters is São Paulo, with 14 shelter units; ost of the states had only one. The location of such facilities is kept secret and the omost commonly provided service is individual psychological care, which is not only provided in Mato Grosso do Sul.  Legal assistance is offered in all the states, except Ceará and Bahia. Daycare services are only present in Acre, Paraíba, Pernambuco, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, and it is worth mentioning that Bahia does not provide any service other than individual psychological care. On the other hand, Pernambuco is the only Federation Unit to provide all the aforementioned services in its four shelters.