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Regional industry

Industrial production closes 2021 with expansion in 9 of the 15 places surveyed

Section: Economic Statistics | Caio Belandi

February 09, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 10, 2022 01h13 PM

Basic metals was one of the sectors that drove the increase in some states in 2021 - Photo José Fernando Ogura - AEN-PR

Industrial production presented expansion in 10 of the 15 places from November to December, as shown by the Monthly Survey of Industry (Regional PIM), released today (February 9) by the IBGE. With the result of the last month of the year, 2021 closes with growth in 9 of the 15 places.

“The year of 2021 closed positive, but it was volatile during the months. IN the first half, the trend was upward and the cumulative gain reached 13%. But in the second half, breath was lost and production had drops in a row”, explain Mr. Bernardo Almeida, survey manager.

The highlight were to the results of Santa Catarina (10.3%), Minas Gerais (9.8%) and Paraná (9.0%), the former ones with absolute growth, in addition to  São Paulo (5.2%), the highest influence in the expansion seen in 2021, much due to the size and weight of the industrial park in São Paulo. Eleven of the 18 activities of the industry in São Paulo grew in the year, with a highlight to the motor vehicle sector, where trucks, cars and tractor-trucks for trailers had the most relevant increases. “The sector of machinery and equipment, with the increase in the production of excavators, bearings for industrial equipment and wheel loaders, also contributed” claims Mr. Almeida.

In Santa Catarina, the wearing apparel sector drove the growth, with increase in the production of women shirts and blouses and the production of dresses. The sector of basic metals contributed too, with the high in cast iron artifacts and pieces

The sector also contributed in Minas Gerais, as the second national positive influence. Basic metals in Minas Gerais had increase in the production of ferroniobium and steel. The mining and quarrying sector was also relevant for the industry in Minas Gerais in 2021, with the highest production of iron ore, but the main influence was indeed that of the motor vehicle sector, where tractor-trucks for trailers and vehicles for transportation of goods leveraged the activity’s production.

Paraná, in turn, had the third biggest absolute expansion and was also the third biggest influence in the national annual result. Leveraged by the  sector of machinery and equipment, the industry in Pará had increase in the production of harvesters and agricultural tractors. In that same sector (motor vehicles), the increase in the production fo tractor-trucks for trailers and trucks and cars, helped the increase in the state.

Rio Grande do Sul (8.8%), Amazonas (6.4%), Espírito Santo (4.9%) and Rio de Janeiro (4.0%) also recorded positive rates above the national average (3.9%), whereas Ceará (3.7%) completed the group of areas with increase in production considering the cumulative index in the year.

On the other hand, Bahia (-13.2%) recorded the most significant decrease in the cumulative index of the year.  “A direct consequence of the exit of a car assembler from the state in January last year, which affects the whole year. naphtas for petrochemical industriesThe petroleum derivative sector also pushed negatively the result of the industry in Bahia, where there was decease in the production of fuel oils, diesel fuel, naphthas for petrochemical industries, paraffin and kerosene.

Northeast Region  (-6.2%), Goiás (-4.0%), Pará (-3.7%), Mato Grosso (-1.0%) and Pernambuco (-0.4%) recorded the other negative decreases in the cumulative indicator in the period January-December 2021.

In the seasonally-adjusted series, from November to December 2021, ten of the 15 places surveyed showed positive rates, with a highlight to intense expansions made by Amazonas (14.0%), Goiás (8.8%) and Paraná (7.6%), all of them offsetting previous month’s losses of -2.1%, -1.6 and -0.2%, respectively.

Regional industrial production (MoM)

Mato Grosso (4.6%), Espírito Santo (4.6%), São Paulo (3.8%) and Minas Gerais (3.4%) also recorded higher advances than the national average (2.9%), whereas Rio de Janeiro (2.0%), Bahia (2.0%) and Northeast Region (1,0%) close the set of places with positive indexes in December 2021. On the other hand, Santa Catarina (-2.7%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-2.1%) recorded the sharpest drops this month. Pará (-1.7%) and Ceará (-1.0%) recorded the negative rates in December 2021; whereas Pernambuco (0.0%) remained unchanged and stood at the same level as the previous month.

Against December 2020, ten places registered drops

Comparing December 2021 with December 2020, the national industrial production had decrease of 5%, with ten of 15 places surveyed recording negative rates.

Ceará (-20.9%), Northeast Region (-10.9%), Bahia (-10.5%) and Santa Catarina (-10.1%) registered the most intense two-digit retreats. Pará (-8.9%) and São Paulo (-5.6%) also had higher negative rates than the national average. The states that complete the negative index list in the comparison are: Pernambuco (-4.6%), Rio Grande do Sul (-4.1%), Espírito Santo (-1.0%) and Minas Gerais (-0.3%).

Among the growths, Mato Grosso, with a 23.1% high, recorded the sharpest increase. Goiás (8.3%), Rio de Janeiro (6.5%), Amazonas (2.3%) and Paraná (2.2%) had the other positive results this month.

More about the survey

The Regional Monthly Survey of Industry has been producing short-term indicators since the 1970s regarding the behavior of the real product from mining and quarrying and manufacturing industries. It presents, every month, indexes for 14 Federation Units, each one accounting for at least 1% of the national value of manufacturing, and also for the Northeast Region as a whole.  Amazonas, Pará, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás and the Northeast Region.

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