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Pesquisa Mensal de Comércio

Sales drop 0.6% in April, retail loses strength after two months stable

Section: Economic Statistics | Pedro Renaux

June 12, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 12, 2019 03h11 PM

The sector of hypermarkets accrues a loss of 3.4% between February and April - Photo: Eduardo Peret/IBGE News Agency

Volume of sales of the retail dropped 0.6% in April in relation to March, after two months of stability. This result is the worst for April since 2015 (-1%). As a result, the sector is 7.3% below the record achieved in October 2014, unveiled the Monthly Survey of Trade, released today by the IBGE.

Isabella Nunes, manager of the survey, remarks that the changes in the behavior of trade in 2019 take the retail back to the level of December last year. "It did not accrue anything from January to April. It is as if the year of 2019 has not given any contribution to the recovery of the downward trend started in 2014", assesses her.

The loss of strength of the retail sector in April was demonstrated by the decline in five out of the eight activities. Having fallen for the third time in a row, the sectors of hypermarkets and of wearing apparel, which registered the second negative month, led this drop. "They are activities that have already been losing pace. Hypermarkets, which account for the biggest weight in the survey, already accrues a drop of 3.4% between February and April", says Nunes.

 On the other hand, the sales of pharmaceuticals, which come from two positive rates, fell 0.7%, thus contributing to the bad performance of the retail. The change in the direction of the index was influenced by the adjustment of medicines in April.

"Probably the purchases were anticipated to March, since the official price raise was widely announced", says the IBGE manager, complementing that, according to the IPCA - Extended National Consumer Price Index, the prices of pharmaceuticals changed from a deflation in March to a rise of of 2.25% in April.

"Other articles of personal and domestic use" and "office, computer and communication material and equipment" were the other sectors that contributed to the drop of the index in April, with -0.4% and -8%, respectively.

In regional terms, 20 out of the 27 Federation Units reduced their volume of sales, being more intense in Paraíba (-3.5%), Rio de Janeiro (-2.8%) and Pará (-2.6%).

Extended retail remains stable

Volume of sales of the extended retail trade, which includes the activities of vehicles and construction material, remained stable in April, after advancing 1.1% in the previous month. The sales in the sector of vehicles remained stable (0.2%), after a significant advance of 4.3% in the previous month. Conversely, the segment of construction material rose 1.4%, the fourth positive rate in a row.

Keywords: Comércio, Varejo, Abril, Hipermercados.

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