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The unemployment rate (14.7%) of the moving quarter from January to March 2021 hit a record in the time series started in 2012, with a high of 0.8...
Product: Continuous National Household Sample Survey
Unemployment rate in Brazil reached 14.7% in Q1 2021, with an increase of 0.8 percentage points (p.p) from the quarter October-December 2020 (13.9%)...
The IBGE releases today the values of the nominal monthly household income per capita - RCPC and the Coefficients of Regional Imbalance - CDR related...
According to estimates from the National Survey of Health (PNS) 2019, about 18.3% (or 29.1 million) of the persons aged 18 and over in Brazil had...
Product: National Survey of Health
The unemployment rate (14.4%) of the moving quarter of December 2020 to February 2021 held steady over the quarter from September to November 2020...
Between 2018 and 2019, the percentage of households that used the Internet rose from 79.1% to 82.7%, an increase of 3.6 percentage points. In 2019,...
Unemployment rate in Brazil (14.2%) for there moving quarter November 2020-January 2021 leveled off from August-October 2020 (14.3%) and increased...
The unemployment rate in Brazil was 13.9% in the fourth quarter of 2020, falling 0.7 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to the quarter between...
In 2019, employment-population ratio among women aged 25 to 49 living in households with children up to three years of age reached 54,6%, versus...
Product: Gender Statistics - Social indicators of women in Brazil
Today (Feb/26), the IBGE publishes the values of the per capita household income relative to 2020, for Brazil and Federation Units, based on the...
The unemployment rate (13.9%) fell 0.7 percentage points in the quarter from October to December 2020 in relation to the quarter between July and...
In the quarter from September to November, the unemployment rate (14.1%) stood stable in relation to the quarter from June to August (14.4%) and...
Unemployment rate (14.3%) in the Aug-Oct quarter in 2020 increased 0.5 percentage points (p.p) against the May-Jul period (13.8%) and 2.7 p.p. against...
Up to November, 28.6 million persons (13.5% of the population) had made some test to know whether they were infected by the coronavirus (up to October,...
Product: National Household Sample Survey - PNAD COVID19
In Brazil, in 2019, there were 38.3 million persons between 5 and 17 years of age. A total 1.8 million lived in child labor conditions. There was...
The number of marriage registers in Brazil reduced 2.7% between 2018 and 2019 (from 1,053,467 to 1,024,676). This drop has occurred annually since...
Product: System of Vital Statistics
In 2019, the number of civil servants in direct and indirect municipal administration reached 6,537,606 persons, being only 0.1% above the figure...
In 2019, there was a 4.6% reduction in the number of employed persons in state and district administration compared to 2018. The majority of the...
Product: Survey of Basic Municipal Information, Survey of Basic State Information,
By October, 25.7 million persons (12.1% of the population) had been tested to find out if they were infected with coronavirus (until September that...
The unemployment rate increased in 10 Federation Units against the previous quarter. The other 17 FUs remained stable. The highest rises were in...
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