IBGE launches Work Plan for 2025 in Brasília (DF)
January 29, 2025 05h22 PM | Last Updated: January 30, 2025 01h39 PM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released today (29) the Work Plan for 2025 in the Central West Region. The event was held at the auditorium of the Federal Data Processing Service (SERPRO), in Brasília (DF). For the first time, the IBGE will launch its annual Work Plan in all the Major Regions in Brazil, and the coming events will take place in the Southeast Region, in Vitória, on the 30th, partnership with Jones dos Santos Institute; and in the South Region, in Porto Alegre, on the 31st, in partnership with the Organization of Cooperatives in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The President of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann participated in the event, together with the President of SERPRO, Alexandre Gonçalves de Amorim; the Assistant Secretary for Institutional Affairs of the Ministry of Planning and Budget, Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira; Information Technology Director of the IBGE (DTI), Marcos Mazoni; the IBGE State Superintendent in Brasília, Gabriel Moreira Antonaccio; the IBGE Assistant to the Executive Directorate, Hugo Leonardo do Couto; the Coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI) José Daniel Castro; the Systems Coordinator for the Federal Revenue of Brazil, Carlos Gualberto; among other representatives.
"The IBGE has experienced a historical moment in terms of repositioning before the significant changes faced by Brazil, and that might not have taken place if we had not earned the admiration of the Minister of Planning and Budget, Simone Tebet. Above all, the Work Plan for 2025 has the objective of organizing our Institute for the establishment of the National System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED), which, undoubtedly, represents a challenge in the construction of official statistics departing from a new perspective that integrates databases and employs artificial intelligence, " remarked the President of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann.
The President of the Federal Data Processing Service, Alexandre Gonçalves do Amorim, stated that regional SERPRO has been a place to host event, activities aiming at the construction of public policies. "We had the privilege of granting use of our regional office to be the G20 Lounge, now we are receiving BRICS too, and the team that has been striving for the construction of COP30. And now we welcome the IBGE, in this place that has to be used democratically, as it belongs to the government and has to work for the government."

The Work Plan for 2025 was conceived with contributions and based on dialogues with all the directorates and departments of the IBGE, between the months of August and December 2024, in a Commission formed by 22 civil servants, being two from each different area of the Institute, besides representatives of State Superintendencies (SES) and Branches.
"It is very important for us to have the opportunity of knowing in more detail how the IBGE will work in 2025. Having, right in the beginning of the year, the opportunity to talk to you, listen and collaborate even more to such an important institution as SERPRO, is fundamental for all the public policies implemented by Brazil and for Brazilians as well," remarked Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira, Assistant Secretary for Institutional Affairs of the Ministry of Planning and Budget.
The Information Technology Director of the IBGE (DTI), Marcos Mazoni, explained the plan from the perspective of his department and mentioned that “we have brought the IBGE closer to federal public administration each day, competent bodies in the field of technology that can certainly help us with the current challenge of the Census of Agriculture. Together with SERPRO we will have the chance to improve public policies with continuous information."
The Plan directs strategic actions by the IBGE for 2025, and advances in the officialization of the National System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED), modernization of structures, preparation for the 12th Census of Agriculture, conduction of the Consumer Expenditure Survey and other releases, also including international activities and meetings between the IBGE and official statistical offices.
"The IBGE launched the Work Plan for 2025 in Belém, on the 27th, yesterday, in Recife, and today here in Brasília. Tomorrow will be in Vitória and on Friday, in Porto Alegre. Among the priorities of the new IBGE Work Plan are strategic actions for the UN Climate Change 2025 Conference 2025 (COP 30)," said the IBGE Coordinator for the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination, José Daniel Castro.

The IBGE Assistant to the Executive Directorate, Hugo Leonardo do Couto, explained, via video call, that the " “The board of directors has recently approved the revision of the current strategic plan, in such a way that we will soon have a new strategic plan for the institution for the period 2025-2027; it will bring objectives, indicators and targets for the construction of SINGED".
The Work Plan consists of the following topics: the IBGE; Foreign context; national System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED); Planned actions; Production of Statistical and Geoscientific Information; Teaching, Research and Extension; Corporate support; Improvement and innovation; and Dissemination and Communication.
According to the Federal Revenue Systems Coordinator, Carlos Gualberto, who joned the meeting remotely, "besides confirming the partnershp between the Federal Revenue and the IBGE, I also see this year to generate value, mainly with data from the Tax Reform. We are at the IBGE disposal we will raise all needs and see what we can do together with SERPRO, what we can deliver fast and generating value, and we wil build what is not ready yet, in a fast way, with the best technologies available and producing the best reponse. Data belong to society and they deserve to receive the best result possible."