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Pantanal hosts 2nd Technical Expedition of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification

Section: Geosciences | Esther Gama, sob supervisão dos editores

October 24, 2024 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 24, 2024 03h10 PM

The 2nd SBCR Technical Expedition aimed at presenting aspects of the cartographic representation and interpretation of the relief of the Pantanal Plain

With the theme "Entering the Pantanal Plain", the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) releases today (24) the 2nd Technical Expedition of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification (SBCR), whose launching is part of the schedule of the XX Brazilian Symposium of Applied Physical Geography along this week at the Federla University of Paráiba, in João Pessoa.

The second expedition took place on August 24, 2023, under the scope of the 14th National Symposium of Geomorphology (SINAGEO), held in the city of Corumbá (MS) and organized by the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS).

"The 2nd SBCR Technical Expedition aimed at presenting aspects of the cartographic representation and interpretation of the relief, based on filed analyses and observations and involving fifferent forms and scales, especially presenting the first texonomic level of the relief defined by the SBCR in an area that could be considered quite homogeneous, yet actually having a great relief diversity," explained Rosangela Botelho, the Technical Coordinator of the publication.

Paraguay River plain seen from a BR-262 bridge, in the municipality of Corumbá (MS) - Picture: Rosangela Botelho

The event counted with 47 participants, among professors, researchers, post-graduate students and graduate students from 24 different Brazilian institutions, distributed along 13 Federation Units of the Southeast, South, Central-West and Northeast regions. Four foreign professors and researchers from the Universidad de la República (Udelar)), in Uruguay, took part as well.

Groups of participants of the 2nd Expedition observing a lowered surface (foreground) and Bodoquena plateaus (background), in the municipality of Miranda (MS) - Picture: Rosangela Botelho

The expedition rode from Campo Grande to Corumbá, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, covering plateaus, lowered surfaces, plains and mountains. Centered at the BR-262, the major observation points were: the dissected plateau of the western margin of the Paraná Basin, in Aquidauana; the lowered surface and mountain lineups of eastern Bodoquena, in Miranda; the plain of Paraguay River, in Porto Esperança, Corumbá; and the Urucum Mountains, in Corumbá.

"This expedition marks the continuation of the proposal started in 2022, in Rio de Janeiro, of going to the field gathering experts, researchers, students and those interested in releif in Brazil, aiming at its taxonomy and the implications of establishing it. As in the case of the first expedition, discussions based on observations and assessments of the relief along the journey are potential contributions to the improvement and evolution of the SBCR," pointed out Rosangela Botelho.

Urucum, the highest point of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the municipality of Corumbá (MS) - Picture: Rosangela Botelho

The publication brings a presentation on the Pantanal region, especially the Mato Grosso do Sul portion and the stretch covered during the expedition; an overview on the vegetation coverage and land use in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in relation to the relief compartments, considering the years of 2000 and 2020 and potential changes; the itinerary and the stop points of the expedition; discussions and relections occurred in each point, involving forms of relief and associated processes; final considerations on the diversity of relief observed; and the perspectives of a geomorphological mapping in the region, according to the SBCR. 

Hilly relief of the plateau of Paraná Sedimantary Basin, in the municiaplity of Aquidauana (MS) - Picture: Ricardo Michael Pinheiro Silveira

XX Brazilian Symposium of Applied Physical Geography, in João Pessoa

The XX Brazilian Symposium of Applied Physical Geography (SBGFA) is occuring this week, from October 21 to 27, in João Pessoa, Paraíba. The V Workshop on Geomorphological Cartography will take place during the event, presenting the state of the art of the SBCR and disseminating the IBGE publications related to the SBCR. The event will celebrate five years of creation and operation of more than 70 researchers from different Brazilian institutions to build the SBCR, which is being coordinated by the IBGE, Brasilian Geological Service (SGB/CPRM) and the Brazilian Geomorphology Union (UGB).

"By continuing to register the SBCR technical expeditions, the IBGE guarantees the preservation of the memory of the system and its legacy to the Brazilian geomorphology. As a work with accesible language and well illustrated, it can be used to support tourism, education and scientific expeditions in the region," concludes Botelho.

The 3rd Technical Expedition of the Brazilian System of Relief Classification is scheduled to happen on October 26-27, with an itinerary leaving João Pessoa to the city of Patos, in Paraíba. It will allow participants to cover and observe the Borborema´s mountains and plateaus, the Sertaneja Surface and the fields of Inserbergs of Paraíba.

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