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Federative Caravan

In Teresina, IBGE participates in the 10th edition of the Federative Caravan

Section: IBGE | Juliana Macedo

June 12, 2024 09h46 AM | Last Updated: June 12, 2024 08h25 PM

The IBGE will be present at another edition of the Federative Caravan, this time in Teresina (PI). The 10th edition of the event will be held on the 20th and 21st of June, at the Teresina Convention Center.

For the two days of the Federative Caravan, the State Superintendency of IBGE Piauí (SES/PI) set up a public service stand, which can be visited by mayors; municipal and state secretaries; municipal managers of covenants; councilors; presidents of Municipal Chambers; presidents of municipal and state Consortia and Federations; in addition to representatives of public policy consortia and civil society organizations. On that occasion, visitors will be able to ask questions about the Population Census and other surveys carried out by the IBGE; statistical and geoscientific production; to access databases, such as the IBGE Automatic Retrieval System (SIDRA); and will also have access and clarification on the Institute's various information channels.

For the Superintendent of IBGE in Piauí, Leonardo Passos, the Federative Caravan is a great opportunity for integration between institutions and public managers in the state and its 224 municipalities: “this is a very important moment of integration between institutions and representatives of federal, state and municipal government spheres. Actions like this strengthen the development of public policies and contribute to the construction of a better country”, highlighted Mr. Passos. According to the superintendent, this is a unique moment in which IBGE will contribute with relevant data and information “that, when applied to the elaboration and execution of public policies, change people's lives and contribute to a Brazil with more dignity and citizenship”.

In addition to the IBGE, the Citizenship Caravan has the participation of more than 30 federal bodies, including ministries, local authorities, banks and public companies. The event, promoted by the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of the Republic, through the Special Secretariat for Federative Affairs, provides closer relationship, coordination and exchange of experiences between the Federal, State and Municipal Governments, offering services, assistance, workshops and presentations of panels that discuss public programs, policies and services.

The Federative Caravan goes throughout Brazil and in its previous editions it has already crossed nine Brazilian states: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins, Maranhão, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Amapá.

Piauí Federative Caravan
Date and Time: 06/20 (9am to 6pm) and 06/21 (9am to 2pm);
Venue: Teresina Convention Center
1275, Marechal Castelo Branco Av, Cabral neighborhood. Teresina-PI.

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