Federative Caravan
IBGE’s participation in the Federative Caravan of Ceará results in new courses and assistance to more than 180 participants
December 08, 2023 06h00 PM | Last Updated: December 11, 2023 10h20 AM
The sixth edition of the Federative Caravan was held at the on December 7 and 8 at the Event Center of Ceará, in Fortaleza. The initiative by the Federal Government has passed through each one of the Federation Units in Brazil in order to provide municipal and state administrations with services from a number of federal institutions. As in previous Editions of the Caravan, this time the IBGE has displayed products and announced services at its stand, having assisted more than 180 participants on the two days. Something new in this edition was the release of two new and free courses: Public policies in the digital era: Mastering IBGE data and Population Census Program for Public Management.
Caravan in Ceará is enlivened by launch of courses for managers
On Thursday, 7, the IBGE announced two unprecedented and free courses aimed at public managers and took the opportunity to advertise the initiative and start registrations during the Federative Caravan in Ceará.
The first course is Políticas públicas na era digital: Dominando os dados do IBGEPublic policies in the digital era: Mastering IBGE data, with an 8-hour workload, is being provided online by the IBGE’s National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE/IBGE). “This course, besides preparing managers and the population to use SIDRA [IBGE’s System of Automatic Retrieval], which is a system used to access the main database with all the IBGE surveys. It will also teach people how to use the main IBGE channels, such as IBGE Teaches, Cities, the Map Portal and the Census Overview,” Leandro Albertini, Online Services Coordinator for the IBGE’ s Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), explains.
“More than 70 people have registered so far,” celebrated Emerson Matosino, IBGE’s Commercialization Manager. “Access to the platform is very fast and easy, directly at the Virtual Shop. And there you can also find other products and publications by the IBGE, which are available for free download,” he adds.
The other course, Population Census Program for Public Management is, in fact, a set of courses based on the 2022 population Census provided by ENCE to train public managers. “All the information produced by the IBGE are public, and are available for download on the website, but that is not widely known by citizens. The idea of this program is to provide training for managers and technicians so that They learn how to search for information generated by the IBGE. As a result, They will be able to formulate better-grounded public policies,” said Ana Carolina Bertho, a researcher from ENCE.
Rafael Cardoso, Secretary for Tourism and Economic Development of Pindoretama-CE, was one of the visitors at the stand who got very interested and registered to take the course Public policies in the digital era. “What you are offering is good so we will get the most from each IBGE tool and use the data in management. And so we can create public policies to meet the needs of the population.”
The Association of Mayors in Ceará (Aprece), having been told about the IBGE initiative, offered to become a partner and advertise the courses among municipal managers. “The IBGE provides free courses that many citizens are not even aware of. So, we will establish a partnership, because it is part of the Aprece’s work to make municipalities better informed,” stated Cleuda Soares, Secretary of the Aprece Public Management School.
More than 180 participants are assisted at the IBGE stand
Throughout the Caravan in Ceará, more than 180 participants were assisted at the IBGE stand, being 130 on the first day and 50 on the second. A number of authorities visited the stand, including mayors, city councilors, secretaries and representatives of public institutions. An important visitor was the Special Secretary for Federative Affairs of the Ministry of Institutional Relations of the Federal Government, who acknowledged the relevance of the Institute for other public agencies: “The IBGE plays a central role, because it knows Brazil more than any other Institution, that is, either governmental or not. The IBGE offers its credibility and brings knowledge to this Caravan.”
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The team from the State Superintendence of Ceará (SES/CE), in charge of the event with technicians from Both Fortaleza and the inner part of the state, was engaged in announcing the actions of the IBGE and to clear doubts. The Caravan was also attended by Daniel Castro, head of the CDDI, and by other servants from the IBGE’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, professionals who traveled to join this edition of the event.
An interactive display at the stand attracted the public and facilitated the presentation of IBGE surveys. Among the information channels advertised were the institutional website, the platform Cities@, project IBGEeduca and the page 2022 Census Overview. Servants also provided assistance to visitors when accessing the IBGE service chart, available at the Gov.br page. Previously released results of the 2022 Census and information about other surveys conducted by the Institute were made available by means of the database of the IBGE’s Data Retrieval System (SIDRA). Visitors also received advertising kits with institutional material, including leaflets, notebooks and a calendar map. /p>
Francisco Lopes, Superintendent of the SES/CE, celebrated the results of the event: “This Caravan in Ceará was a truly successful one. The IBGE stand was visited by a number of persons, partners who work with us, that is, mayors, municipal secretaries, public managers in general and members of ministries.”
More about the Federative Caravan
“ I am certain the outcome of the Caravan will be an even stronger partnership,” stated the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, in a ceremony held on the first day of the Caravan, and attended by a number of government representatives, including the Governor of Ceará, Elmano de Freitas, Senator Augusta Brito, Federal Government Secretaries André Ceciliano and Izolda Cela, and the President of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará, Evandro Leitão.
The Federative Caravan is a project by the Federal Government’s Special Secretariat for Federative Affairs and has the objective of promoting more institutional engagement between federal, state and municipal spheres of government. This initiative is expected to improve communication between federal entities and to promote cooperation in cooperation actions.
ABesides the BGE, other ministries, autonomous federal agencies and other public institutions joined the sixth edition of the Federative Caravan. Lectures, workshops and technical assistance were provided in this event whose theme was “Unity and reconstruction towards new federative relations.”
Ceará is the sixth state hosting the Caravan, for the event, since August, has passed through the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins and Maranhão. New editions of the event are expected to take place in 2024, in other Federation Units.