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IBGE hosts meeting with survey institutes in Latin America to debate 2020 Censuses

Section: IBGE

November 23, 2023 09h00 AM | Last Updated: November 28, 2023 11h43 AM

The IBGE is hosting, from November 21 to 24, the International Workshop “Estimaciones de población y ronda censal 2020 – Desafíos y lecciones aprendidas em tienpos de pandemia” (Population Estimates and 2020 Census Rounds – Challenges and lessons learned in pandemic times), in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Latin American countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, and Dominican Republic are together at the Institutes headquarter for an interchange of information and experiences about 2020 Censuses.

Marcio Pochmann, president of the IBGE, opened the event with a short presentation about the IBGE history, an institution that has existed for almost nine decades. “The IBGE started its activities in the 1930’s and it has been in charge of the production of statistical and geographic data in Brazil. We have had our 13th Population census and we are proud to be part of this history. Therefore, on behalf of our 11 thousand servants, as we approach the Institute’s 90th anniversary, I would like to thank for your presence and wish you all a great meeting,” stated Mr. Pochmann in the opening session of the workshop.

Cimar Azeredo, Director of Surveys at the IBGE, stressed the importance of the debate about population projection. “Population projection is an important topic, and the Census is of fundamental importance in this case. Our objective in this meeting is to promote an interchange between statistical agencies in Brazil and in other countries, besides dealing with academic researchers and to discuss difficulties faced in the production of statistics in Latin America and in the Census as a whole,” said Mr. Azeredo.

Miriam Barbuda, IBGE deputy director of Geosciences, mentioned the existence of geographic and statistical surveys in one same institute, and said that fact made work in the Census easier. “Brazil and Mexico are the Only places in Latin America Where geography and statistics are embraced by the same institution. That is excellent because we get to conduct studies and support all the Census process by means of territory mapping, and at the same time, we can identify the best way to produce such mapping, in a digital way. We are extremely concerned about having corresponding mapping all over the country, with its 5,565 municipalities. That demands a lot of work.”

Denise Britz spoke about the challenges of official statistics
Andrés Montalvo presented a study based on the Census of Ecuador
Denise Helena França delivers a lecture about life expectancy in the municipalities of Minas Gerais

The sudden changes in the Brazilian society have affected the assessment of demographic scenarios, according to the ENCE director and professor Paulo Jannuzzi. "My perception as a field researcher is that demographic projections were, in the past, simpler, but the technological, economic, environmental and political scenarios have changed that. I see Artificial Intelligence, climate change, and the break of civilizational consensus as having a major impact on all demographic scenarios," emphasized Mr. Jannuzzi.

On the first day, the event featured debates on the challenges and lessons learned from the 2020 Censuses in Latin America, with representatives from Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Estefanía Gherra came from Argentina and highlighted the exchange of ideas between the different countries taking part in the event as very positive, and was surprised to see the work of the IBGE. "The event has exceeded the expectations I had as a representative of the statistical institution of my country and my university. I am fascinated by the IBGE, Brazil and the event. People are interacting a lot and that's the aim: to bring thoughts together," said Estefanía.

The International Workshop continues until Friday, the 24th, at the headquarters of the IBGE in Rio de Janeiro.

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