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Opening of the “1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting” is marked by integration, exhibits, panel discussions, remembrances and artistic performances

Section: IBGE

November 16, 2023 07h50 PM | Last Updated: November 21, 2023 06h09 PM

More than 500 persons in the opening session of the 1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting in Parada de Lucas (RJ) - Photo: Helena Pontes/ IBGE News Agency

A presentation of the musical group Meu Kantinho Centro de Cultura closed the opening day of the “1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting”, held in Parada de Lucas, located in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The event lasted about 10 hours and gathered more than 500 participants including working and non-retired and retired servants, union members and IBGE collaborators, besides authorities and diplomatic representatives from abroad.

The participants left the IBGE headquarters and the Center for information Documentation and Dissemination at 7 am, and headed for Parada de Lucas, where remodeling works have recently taken place.

Before the opening session, after breakfast, servants took part in a get-together with President Marcio Pochmann, the CDDI director, Daniel Castro, and the board of directors of the National Union of IBGE Civil Servants (Assibge), such as Cleiton Batista, a representative of the national union and José Renato Quirino, of the Parada de Lucas segment.

“It’s important to learn from experienced colleagues’ to plan the next steps regarding what we want for the IBGE in the future, and, based on this Dialogue, we will succeed in establishing guidelines for coming years until out 90th anniversary,” said Mr. Pochmann.

The IBGE Choir, Coral do IBGE, conducted by Rodrigo Aguiar sand popular Brazilian songs, the IBGE Anthem and the National Anthem. Throughout the morning, participants had the chance of visiting an exhibit about the 90 years of the Institute, with  number of publications and historical documents, besides printers and equipment used by the ancient print shop in Parada de Lucas, where, for decades, IBGE maps and questionnaires were printed.

The superintendent in Pernambuco, Gliner Dias called attention to the plural nature of the meeting. "It is a demographic project in which we can listen to a lot of people whose opinions had not been considered before. And by doing that we can find out what the IBGE, as a whole, wants.”

According to Mario Frazeto, superintendent in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, interaction between servants will be very beneficial. "These guidelines will show us what direction to follow and we have to do that over time. Having these guidelines adopted will be more democratic. We are here to listen, speak and choose a path. What really counts is to have a strong IBGE for its 90th anniversary.”

A get-together with president Marcio Pochmann, the director of CDDI, Daniel Castro, and the board of directors of the National Union of IBGE Civil Servants (Assibge) - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
President Marcio Pochmann makes a speech in the opening session of IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
On the way to the plenary room, participants visited an exhibit on the 90 decades of the IBGE - Photo: Helena Pontes/ IBGE News Agency
Assessor especial do Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima, André Sant'Anna - Foto: Licia Rubinstein/Agência IBGE Notícias
Chief of Office of the Institutional Affairs Secretariat for the Ministry of Budget and Planning, Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/ IBGE News Agency
Executive secretary for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luis Manuel Rebelo Fernandes - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
Director of Sector Studies and Policies on Innovation Regulation and Infrastructure for the Institute for Applied Economic Research, Fernanda De Negri - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
President Marcio Pochmann in the opening session of the first meeting together with Geographer Pedro Geiger and Anna Bella Geiger - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
Rapporteurs and mediators of Groups 1 to 6 - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/ IBGE News Agency
The IBGE Choir, conducted by Rodrigo Aguiar, closes the series of activities on the first day - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency
A presentation of the musical group Meu Kantinho Centro de Cultura in the end of the first day of “1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting” - Photo: Márcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

Opening session and panel discussions approach the challenges for “IBGE 90”

Attendees to the opening session of the “1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting”, besides president Pochmann, were the special assistant for the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, André Sant'Anna, the chief of office of the Institutional Affairs Secretariat for the Ministry of Budget and Planning, Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira, Executive secretary for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luis Manuel Rebelo Fernandes and the Director of Sector Studies and Policies on Innovation Regulation and Infrastructure fo r the Institute for Applied Economic Research, Fernanda De Negri.

Community representatives from Parada de Lucas and Vigário Geral, neighborhoods surrounding the IBGE complex, civil servants and other professionals who helped in the remodeling works and in the organization of the Meeting were invited to go up the stage as a symbol of this unique moment.

The first panel announced the technical cooperation agreement between the IBGE and the Brazilian Federal Assets Office (SPU), which will make possible, among other objects, to carry out the project IBGE Collection, including an exhibit expected to take place on the ground floor of the Finance Palace.

In panels 2 and 3, representatives of the 12 work groups of “IBGE 90 Dialogues” shared experiences regarding the formulation of guidelines, reported the activities of the groups in the last few months and discussed the challenges in each area for the next three years.

Gisella Corales, who represents “Group 7 – Strengthening and supporting state superintendencies” assessed the procedure of discussion of proposals adopted in the meetings. "The entire process was very good and we realized we need to learn more every day. I believe that all of us in group 7 feel represented by these guidelines. There were disagreements, but all of them added to our growth. It is a collective product, none of these ideas were conceived by on person alone. Each word was discussed, thought over and voted."

Meetings on the second day of the event will establish the 12 guidelines

The “1st IBGE 90 Dialogues Meeting” will have its second part on Friday (17). In the morning, participants from all the 12 groups will gather to establish which 12 guidelines will be adopted by the Institute in the next three years, up to its 90th anniversary, in 2026. Homage will be paid to figures who have helped the project, such as workers, union members, directors and retired servants. In the afternoon, the 12 targets of each group and an overall guideline will be presented. A cultural performance and a cocktail party will close the event.

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