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Inflation accelerates to 0.51% in November, highest rise for this month since 2015

Section: Economic Statistics | Alerrandre Barros

December 06, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 06, 2019 03h31 PM

Rise of 8.09% in the price of meat was the major impact on the November´s inflation - Photo: Eduardo Peret/IBGE News Agency

As released by the IBGE today (6), the skyrocketing of the prices of meat made the Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA accelerate to 0.51% in November, after rising 0.10% in the previous month. This was the highest figure for November since 2015, when the IPCA stayed at 1.01%. The cumulative index in the year stayed at 3.12% and, in the last 12 months, the inflation stayed at 3.27%. The rate was -0.21% in November 2018.

Of the nine groups of products and services surveyed, seven increased in November, highlighted by personal expenses (1.24%), food and beverages (0.72%) and housing, which changed from a deflation of 0.61% in October to a rise of 0.71% in November. Together, the three groups corresponded to nearly 82% of this November´s IPCA.

 "The rise was leveraged by games of chance in the group of food and beverages, as the adjustments in the prices of the federal lotteries came into force, changing between 40% and 66%", explained Pedro Kislanov, manager of the survey. "The acceleration in the group of food and beverages was mainly due to the behavior of the prices of meat, which rose 8.09% and contributed with the biggest individual impact on the month (0.22 percentage points)".

Kislanov clarifies that the increase in the prices of meat was due to the bigger demand from China, followed by the devaluation of the real against the dollar. "It boosts exports, restricting the domestic supply and rising the price of the products", said him. As a result, food at home, which had registered a deflation of 0.03% in October, changed for a rise of 1.01% in November. On the other hand, food away from home rose 0.21%.

In housing, the change of 2.15% was influenced by electricity, as the tariff flag changed from one month to the other. "The yellow flag was in force in October, representing a charge of R$1.50 per each 100 kilowatt-hour consumed. In November, the red flag level 1, whose value was adjusted, came into force", said the manager of the survey.

On the drop side, the manager of the survey highlights household articles, which changed -0.36% and contributed with -0.01 p.p. to the month´s index. Communication dropped 0.02% and wearing apparel rose 0.35%. In transportation, the prices of fuels (0.78%) decelerated compared with the previous month (1.38%), especially due to gasoline, which changed 0.42% in November. Airfare increased 4.35% for the second month in a row.

Among the 16 places surveyed by the IPCA, the highest change was recorded in São Luís (1.05%), due to the rising prices of gasoline and meat. The metropolitan areas of Recife and Aracaju posted the lowest index (0.14%): in the former case, due to the drop in the prices of some food, like onions, potatoes and fruits; in Aracaju, in addition to onions, the prices of bottled gas already reduced.

INPC rises to 0.54% in November

The IBGE also released today (6) the National Consumer Price Index - INPC, used as a reference for the wage adjustments of families with an income between one and five minimum wages. The INPC rose 0.54% in November, above the rate of 0.04% registered in October. The cumulative index in the year stayed at 3.22% and, in the last 12 month, at 3.37%, against 2.55% in the previous 12 months. The rate was -0.25% in November 2018.

Keywords: Inflação, IPCA, Preços, Carne, Novembro, 2019.

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