New publication on geosciences describes natural resources in Brazil
May 13, 2019 10h00 AM | Last Updated: April 29, 2024 01h21 PM

The IBGE has released, today, the first volume f the collection entitled Macrocharacterizaton of Natural Resources in Brazil, which is also available at the PInteractive Geography Platform. The series of publications presents the results of 20 yers of mapping and reearch of the institute in the fields of Geology (rocks), Geomorphology (relief), Pedology (soils) and Vegetation. The objective of the collection is to provide society with a portrait of the Brazilian natural environment, with a wide and integrated view of the territory.
The project is the result of a partnership between the IBGE and the Amazon Surveillance System (Sivam), in 1998, and counts on satellite images for territory mapping.
According to Claudio Stenner, Geography coordinator at the IBGE, the collection is “a way to bring people in general closer to very important, but but very little know knowdge about our country”.
The publication has four encompassing thematic chapters with maps, tables Aand graphs presenting, in detail, the groups of natural elements selected to represent each topic.
The first chapter deals with the ten structural provinces the Brazilian territory is divided into. Those are big natural geological areas, with varied characterisitcs. The second chapter presents the mapping of relief, initiated in the 1970's by Project Radam Brasil. The following chapter explains the types of soil in the country, and the fourth one covers the big diversity of vegetation if Brazil.
Therence de Sarti, IBGE's manager of Mapping of Natural Resources talks about the coming issues of the collection: “there will be more details about the items presented in this first edition, or maybe data and references combined”.
The department-in charge is now preparing a volume on the areas more susceptible to landslides all over Brazil. “We have other possibilities such as combining information on soil potential and land use. So we may be able to see in which areas the soil is being properly used and where there is room for improvement”, Therence adds.