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Census of Agriculture enumerates more than 4 million properties and enters its final month

Section: IBGE, Special Series | Mariana Viveiros e Rita Martins, da Bahia | Design: Marcelo Barroso

February 05, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 05, 2018 03h48 PM

With the beginning of February, the 2017 Census of Agriculture starts   its last month of data collection in Brazil. Before even ending, the collection already represents a great opportunity for learning to each one of the participants, particularly to almost 19 million enumerators who, at the end of five months activities, will have covered the country, from the North outlying Indian areas to the Pampas in the extreme South, from the shellfish farms in the coast up to hinterland caatinga, from rural settlements to large agribusiness properties.

Around the country more than 4,4 million of properties have already been surveyed, almost 84% of the existing establishments originally estimated by the IBGE. In three states, the estimated has already been surpassed: Amapá (159.3 %), Distrito Federal (124,6%) e Espírito Santo (104.6%), places where new properties have been found.

In Bahia, the state with the biggest number of farming properties, the pace was accelerated too. With more than 600 thousand farming establishments visited until early February, around 83% enumerators from Bahia have a lot of remarkable stories to tell and to keep in their memories like unique experiences.


Data Collection Monitoring - 2017 Cenus of Agriculture

Federation Unit % Enumerated  Estimate total
BRAZIL 84.0 4,411,856 5,251,918
ACRE 93.5 27.955 29,887
ALAGOAS 68.3 87.593 128,325
AMAZONAS 83.0 67.541 81,361
AMAPÁ 159.3 5.663 3,555
BAHIA 83.3 638,799 766,516
CEARÁ 85.4 327,669 383,902
DISTRITO FEDERAL 124.6 5,096 4,090
ESPIRITO SANTO 104.6 89,175 85,214
GOIÁS 94.0 131,084 139,427
MARANHÃO 69.1 199,755 289,085
MINAS GERAIS 97.9 544,939 556,713
MATO GROSSO DO SUL 89.8 58,454 65,127
MATO GROSSO 80.2 93,110 116,151
PARÁ 90.2 212,946 236,141
PARAÍBA 87.2 146,262 167,761
PERNAMBUCO 81.9 253,316 309,181
PIAUÍ 91.0 225,899 248,229
PARANÁ 74.1 276,269 373,044
RIO DE JANEIRO 95.9 56,499 58,900
RIO GRANDE DO NORTE 70.3 58,716 83,526
RONDÔNIA 96.9 85,392 88,092
RORAIMA 92.1 9,812 10,653
RIO GRANDE DO SUL 73.3 324,688 442,751
SANTA CATARINA 90.3 176,194 195,199
SERGIPE 75.1 75,833 100,927
SÃO PAULO 79.1 183,127 231,493
TOCANTINS 88.4 50,070 56,668
Period of reference: 01/10/2017 to 01/02/2018   

It is the case of Ana Lúcia Costa, an enumerator from Orolândia, in northern Bahia, to whom the Census of Agriculture became a "school". She reports that in one of the census tracts a thing that is considered a problem for the " city resident" is viewed as a true blessing for the rural resident.

After facing "a true hinterland rally" in her first sector, on a motorcycle, under a strong sunlight, with a lot of sand and dust, Ana Lucia entered the second sector, Casa Nova. "Everything was fine until I faced a heavy rain, a real storm. I almost died without any place to protect myself, even so, I went ahead" said the enumerator, reporting the difficulty to ride a motorcycle on the mud and worried with the Mobile Collection Device (MCD).  


#praCegoVer Para a recenseadora Ana Lúcia Costa, de Ourolândia (BA), o Censo Agro está sendo uma escola
Enumerator Ana Lúcia Costa, from Ourolândia (BA), the Cenus of Agriculture is a real school 

"I started to complain, to mutter because of the rain, not to mention that the MCD could not get wet anyway, otherwise I would lose all the work. I wrapped it in bags and took care of it", she recalls.  

It did not take too long for Ana Lúcia to realize that her annoyance with the rain was not a common feeling in that place. "I realized the hinterland people feel joy with the rain after a long drought. The animals celebrate, nature celebrates life. I was worried about futilities and small things, before the greatness that the rain brings. I don't have property, I don't plant, but I learned from a school, the 2017 Census of Agriculture, that the rain is a gift from God", says the enumerator, who is also a nurse and an educator. 

#praCegoVer Ana Lúcia enfrentou seca e tempestade, em cima da moto, para fazer a coleta
On a motorcycle, Ana Lúcia faced droughts and storms to do her job

The rain really came in good time in Ourolândia, after a long period of drought, confirms the coordinator of the Jacobina subarea (area that encompasses Ourolândia, Neemias Oliveira. "For me, the most remarkable experience was to witness local farmers suffering, due the long period of drought; that brings, as a result, the absence of production and the death of the herd.

Sisal production prevails in Ourolândia, where 73% of the establishments have been enumerated

From 2014 to 2016, the sisal production was predominant in the municipality of Ourolândia, with a stable harvested area in that period (8,500 hectares). In contrast, the cassava production had a harvested area of 400 ha in 2014 reduced to 10 ha in 2016, according to the Municipal Agricultural Survey (PAM). With the Census of Agriculture, the portrait of agricultural production in the municipality will be updated.

By the end of January, the Jacobina sub-area already had started the data collection in almost all of the enumeration areas (98.7%) and 66,2% of 14,545 agricultural establishments the IBGE expected to find in the region had been visited.

Neemias said that it is possible to notice the predominance of pumpkin and castor bean production. Besides that, farmers have invested in pineapple plantations.

In Ourolândia, the five enumerators already had visited 1,111 establishments (73.1% of the estimated total) by the beginning of February, with the end of data collection expected for the first half of the month. 

In Bahia, until February, 22.1% of the 415 municipalities enumerated (92, in absolute numbers) had already surpassed or reached the total agricultural establishments expected, and more than the half of the municipalities in Bahia (53% or 220, in absolute numbers) had already more than 80% of the data collection finished.


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