Preços na construção civil
Rise of 0.55% is highest in year
June 08, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 08, 2018 12h30 PM
Released today by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction - Sinapi rose 0.55% in May compared with April, the highest monthly rate in 2018. In the cumulative index in the year, the rise was of 1.53%, whereas the result for the last 12 months stayed at 3.87%.
Inflation for this sector was strongly influenced by the rise of 0.86% in the costs of the workforce, both in relation to April (0.37%) and compared with May 2017 (0.26%). According to Augusto Oliveira, manager of the survey, "such increases were due to adjustments defined in collective work agreements in São Paulo, a state with a high weight in the computation of the index".
The costs of the construction material also rose, though with less intensity, having changed 0.27% against April and dropped 0.34% compared with May last year. Having registered R$1,077.16 in April, the national cost of construction per square meter rose to R$1,083.13 in May, being R$ 555.64 relative to material and R$527.49 to workforce.
Concerning the differences in the price changes, Augusto explained that the increases in workforce are applied to all the professional categories at the same time, thus causing a major impact. "On the other hand, construction material do not increase at this level, since wood prices may rise and iron prices drop, for instance. A change somehow offsets another one", says him.
Southeast records highest monthly change
All the Major Regions registered a rise in the costs of civil construction, highlighted by the Southeast (0.86%). The other rates were 0.51% in the Northeast, 0.28% in the North, 0.21% in the South and 0.13% in the Central-West.