National index of Civil Construction changes 0.55% in May
June 08, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 08, 2018 10h32 AM
The National Index of Civil Construction - Sinapi changed 0.55% in May, the highest rate in 2018, standing 0.29 percentage points (p.p.) above the rate of 0.26% registered in April.
The cumulative index in the year stayed at 1.53%. On the other hand, the cumulative index over the last 12 months stayed at 3.87%, above that recorded in the 12 immediately previous months (3.61%).
In May 2017, the index was 0.30%.
Having registered
R$1,077.16 in April, the national cost of construction per square meter rose to R$1,083.13 in May, being R$ 555.64 relative to material and
R$527.49 to workforce.
The share relative to material changed 0.27%, a rise of 0.13 p.p. over April (0.14%), and a drop of 0.07 p.p. compared with May 2017 (0.34%).
The share relative to workforce changed 0.86%, a rise of 0.49 p.p. over the previous month (0.37%). Compared with May 2017 (0.26%), the increase was more significant: 0.60 p.p.
Between January and May, the cumulative indexes were 1.95% (material) and 1.11% (workforce). The cumulative rates in 12 months stayed at 3.63% (material) and at 4.16% (workforce).
Southeast records highest monthly change
All the Major Regions posted positive indexes in May, highlighted by the Southeast (0.86%). The other rates were 0.51% in the Northeast, 0.28% in the North, 0.21% in the South and 0.13% in the Central-West.
The regional costs per square meter were R$1,072.16 in the North, R$1,008.88 in the Northeast, R$1,133.68 in the Southeast, R$1,117.34 in the South and R$1,091.76 in the Central-West.
São Paulo registers highest rise
Under the impact of an adjustment defined in collective convention, São Paulo was the state that registered the highest monthly change (1.45%).
SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with a national coverage, in order to elaborate and assess budgets as well as monitor costs.