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New system will make it easier to consult the IBGE library collection

Section: IBGE | Hilton Marques e Marina Cardoso (estagiários), sob supervisão de Adriana Saraiva

March 14, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 15, 2018 12h05 PM

In order to improve the service provided to its internal and external audience, the IBGE will adopt, in the first semester of 2018, the Pergamum integrated library system, which will centralize all the borrowings, reserves and renewals, making the service more user-friendly and organized. Users will receive information on books and documents of their specific interest by email.

According to the supervisor of the sector of Library Information Treatment and Dissemination, Suzane Lima, one of the advantages of the new system is allowing for a better description of the materials. "We need a more complex description of the documents so that, when users search the on-line collection, the results are more precise and robust" she says.

Pergamum is more complete and fit for the kind of work developed in a library, adds Suzane. The higher precision facilitates the search for either internal users - servants and workers - or external users - who do not work at the IBGE, but need the institute's data.

The library is open to the public, who can consult materials personally or by means of the digital library website. However, as in other public institutions, the borrowing services are restricted to servants and workers or persons working for other institutions. It is the system of interlibrary loan: external users should go to the library of their institution which, in turn, having identified the required document (as the call number, author, title, etc.), makes the procedures for the borrowing of the material.

Pergamum uses the international format MARC 21, which identifies, by means of standardized logarithms, the information on library collections all over the world, enabling the understanding of the informational fields regardless of the language used. When an institution registers a book in its collection, all the others that also use the system have access to the information and can use the same bibliography when they buy the same volume. This process optimizes the cataloging work as it facilitates data migration.

To reserve, borrow or search the items of the collection, users must have an online profile in Pergamum. During data migration, the system offers a pre-registration with the complete name, email and SIAPE (number by which the servant is identified), which will be concluded face-to-face when the user borrows a material. Besides, capacity building courses will be offered when the system becomes available together with the Pergamum tutorials themselves.

Another three integrated library collection management systems were analyzed; however, Pergamum was chosen because it has been used since 2009 by the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE), the IBGE College. Its experience with a larger number of persons and materials due to its academic profile, as well as the possibility of integrating it to the IBGE itself were key factors for its choice. Moreover, the system was technically more adequate for the library demands.


#praCegoVer Cláudia Prado, responsável pela biblioteca, apresenta o local
Manager Cláudia Prado presents the library
#praCegoVer Suzane Lima Conceição, funcionária da biblioteca, analisa o acervo
Suzane Lima Conceição, who works at the library, analyzes the collection
#praCegoVer Luciana Ferreira Lau mostra acervo fotográfico da biblioteca
Luciana Ferreira Lau shows the photo collection of the library
#praCegoVer Equipe da biblioteca verifica acervo
Library team analyzes the collection
#praCegoVer Parte do acervo da biblioteca do IBGE
Part of the IBGE library collection
#praCegoVer Funcionária da biblioteca trabalha na restauração de uma imagem
Library worker restoring an image
#praCegoVer Itens antigos fazem parte do acervo da biblioteca do IBGE
Ancient items are part of the IBGE library collection

Library and reading rooms in the States

The general library, including the reading room and a small exhibition facility, is located at the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), Canabarro street, Maracanã, and is open from 8 am to 5 pm.  Contact can be made by phone (21) 2142-0022 or 4715, or by the email

The services offered by the library include guided tours for schools and universities that schedule dates they would like to come. According to the available dates, they can visit the facilities, see the collection and learn a bit of the history of the IBGE library.

The IBGE also have libraries/reading rooms in all Brazilian states. Click here to find one close to you.

Source of knowledge since 1938

The IBGE is a reliable source of information and knowledge, carrying out year after year surveys that help portray a complete picture of our country and serve as a basis for policy-making. The institute's library and its librarians play a key role in the organization and dissemination of such data.

Created in 1938 by means of the Resolution no 84, the library has a large collection of books, journals, cartographic material (atlases and maps), photos, videos, ads used by the IBGE, support materials for data collection (questionnaires, letters to respondents and survey manuals). The documents are made available to all servants, researchers from the state units, retired servants and external audience.

All the material is organized according to its nature and each one of them requires a specific physical arrangement and treatment. The sector of Information Treatment and Dissemination is on charge of taking care, storing and preserving the whole collection and each of the categories has an internal tutor that accounts for that kind of material.

In times of intense technological advance, the use of the computer and the migration of physical collection into digital ones do not take away the importance of the library and the work of the librarian. For Cláudia Prado, manager of the library, the digital world does not annihilate the physical one. "The fact that you digitize the collection does not imply that the roles of the library and of the professional who deals with information are unnecessary. You still need to organize it, regardless of the vehicle used."


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