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State Superintendencies
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)´s State Superintendencies (SES) in the states of Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do...
IBGE Schedule
Including internal and external meetings, releases, events and appointments from several areas, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics...
2022 Census
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released, on Friday, 8, data relative to the “2022 Population Census: Favelas and Urban...
Casa Brasil IBGE
The Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (Sudene) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will open, on November...
The 2022 Population Census found 12,348 Favelas and Urban Communities in Brazil, inhabited by 16,390,815 persons, which represents 8.1% of the country's...
The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi), released today by the IBGE, changed by 0.53% in October, an increase of 0.18 percentage points...
The Brazilian inflation accelerated to 0.56% in October, rising 0.12 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to the previous month (0.44%). The result...
In Rio
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) releases, on November 14, the thematic modules and on the Environment and Maps of the...
Regional industry
From August to September, the Brazilian industrial output grew 1.1%, with increases in seven out of 15 places surveyed by the Regional Monthly Survey...
Aiming at promoting the statistical literacy in schools and universities, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), by means of...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released today (4) the IBGE Schedule for the week of November 4 to 8. The document includes...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) participated, in the city of Kazan, in Russia, on October 28 and 29, in a meeting that...
National industry
Industrial production in Brazil advanced 1.1% from August to September. The increase in pace takes place after a positive change of 0.2% observed...
On November 8, at 10 a.m, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release the results of the 2022 Population Census: Favelas...
Profile of States and Municipalities
In four years, there was a drop of 0.5 percentage points (p.p) in the number of municipalities in the country with a specific organizational structure...
In 2023, 26.6% of the municipalities had a Municipal Plan for Early Childhood; proportion was 97.8% in Ceará - Picture: Government of Ceará After...
PNAD Contínua Mensal
The unemployment rate fell to 6.4% in the quarter from July to September 2024, down 0.5 percentage points (pp) compared to the quarter from April...
Environment Statistics
According to the IBGE’s director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista, the UN Statistical Commission has guided national statistical offices in the...
For the eighth month in a row, national industrial prices grew, with a gain of 0.66% in September 2024 over last August. Therefore, the Producer...
The Cerrado flora now counts on a new representative. It is Paepalanthus fonsecae, of family Eriocaulaceae. The name is a tribute to Marina Fonseca,...
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