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Summary of Social Indicators
From 2022 to 2023, the percentage of the population with per capita household income below the poverty line of the World Bank (US$ 6.85 PPC a day...
After the negative impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, access to education for the younger age groups resumed growth in 2023. School...
The IBGE presents today (4), as part of the Summary of Social Indicators 2024, a new analysis of the living conditions of the Brazilian population...
For the second time this year, President Lula receives the president of the IBGE in an audience. The audience took place this Tuesday (03/02)...
National industry
After growing for two consecutive months, the national industrial output registered a negative change of 0.2% between September and October, a result...
2022 Census
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release, on December 12, at 10 am, the results of the 2022 Population Census: Characteristics...
National Accounts
Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew (0.9%) from the second to the third quarter. Increases in Services (0.9%) and Industry (0.6%) contributed...
IBGE Schedule
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released today (2) the schedule for the week of December 2-6. The document includes internal...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will award prizes to the three posters with the highest scores in each of the four categories...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and magazine Ciência & Saúde Coletiva (Science and Public Health) are honored to invite...
Complete Life Tables
A person born in Brazil in 2023 was expected to live, on average, up to 76.4 years, an increase of 11.3 months in relation to the previous year,...
Monthy Continuous PNAD
The Continuous PNAD from August to October 2024 brought the lowest unemployment rate among the 152 moving quarters that comprise its time series,...
The National Meeting of Addresses in Urban Fringes was held at the Correios headquarters, in Brasília, with the objective of discussing and finding...
Profile of Municipalities
Fourteen years after the enactment of the National Solid Waste Policy (Law 12,305, of 02/08/2010), which in its article 54 establishes deadlines...
For the ninth consecutive time, national industry prices rose, with an increase of 0.94% from September to October 2024. The Producer Price Index...
Aiming at making the access to sea level data and meteorological data more interactive, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)...
On Monday (11/25), the IBGE released a new product: “O x,y da questão” (the name is a pun with the x and y coordinates and a Portuguese expression...
Inflation preview is 0.62% in November The inflation preview for November showed an increase of 0.62%, after the 0.54% rate recorded in October....
Casa Brasil IBGE SUDENE - Recife
As part of the actions promoted for the opening of Casa Brasil IBGE SUDENE, registration for holiday courses in Recife will be open on Tuesday (26)...
Recife (PE) – The Brazilian Institute of geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast (Sudene) opened,...
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