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Monthly Survey of Trade
In June, retail sales in Brazil fell 1.0% compared to the previous month, when they grew 0.9%. In the first half of 2024, retail sales accumulated...
Monthly Survey of Services
Volume of services rendered in the country, after a negative change of 0.4% in May, increased once more in June. The sector increased by 1.7%, the...
Quarterly Livestock Surveys
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released today (13) the first results of the Quarterly Surveys of Livestock. Cattle slaughter...
2022 Census
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) organized, on Thursday afternoon (8), the workshop “A Territory of information: potentialities...
Illiteracy has been investigated since the first census carried out in Brazil, in 1872, still in the Empire. According to the most recent data from...
IBGE Schedule
Released today (12), the IBGE Schedule brings the schedule for the week between August 12 and 16. This edition includes internal and external meetings,...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) published the Letter of Brazil in the Digital Era on the website (, for discussion...
In July, the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) was 0.38%, 0.17 percentage points (pp) higher than in June (0.21%). This increase in the...
Released today (9) by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI) changed 0.40% in July. The rate is 0.16 percentage points (p.p.)...
The President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, invited the president of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Marcio...
Data from the 2022 Population Census show that 99.3% of children aged up to 5 years had birth registrations in public registry offices. This percentage...
Regional industry
From May to June, industrial production in Brazil increased by 4.1%, with expansion in eight of the 15 areas surveyed by the Regional Monthly Survey...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release, on August 08, at 10 am (Brasília time), in Manaus (AM), the results of the...
Released today (5), the IBGE Schedule brings the schedule for the week between August 5 and 9. This edition includes internal and external meetings,...
After five days, more than 140 speakers, 350 representatives from technical entities and offices and from society, 100 hours of recorded debates,...
Domestic industry
Between May and June, the country's industrial production grew by 4.1%, interrupting two consecutive months of negative rates, a period in which...
Data protection, environmental protection in the development of softwares and the risks in the large scale use of artificial intelligence (AI) were...
The IBGE National Conference of Data Producers and Users, which gathers speakers from Brazil and abroad, besides technicians from the Institute,...
On the fourth day of the National Conference of Data Producers and Users, organized by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in...
Reaching better data, interoperability of databases and comparability of information are the aims of global efforts being made by National Statistical...
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