2022 Census
2022 Census: Technical team discloses main characteristics of Indigenous persons and their housing units at Casa Brasil IBGE
December 19, 2024 03h17 PM | Last Updated: December 22, 2024 05h38 PM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released this Thursday, the 19th, the data related to the 2022 Population Census: Indigenous Persons - Main characteristics of persons and housing units, by urban and rural location: Popualtion results , at Casa Brasil IBGE, located in the Palácio da Fazenda, downtown Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The event was attended by IBGE officials and was broadcast by Digital IBGE and the Institute's social media.
At the opening, the disclosure event was attended by the Director of Surveys, Elizabeth Hypólito, the Director of Geosciences, Ivone Lopes Batista, and the Manager of Computational Support for the Technical Coordination of the Population Census, Raphael Soares. The President of the Institute, Marcio Pochmann recorded a video for those who were present at the event.

The results were presented by the Manager of Traditional Territories and Protected Areas of the Coordination of Territorial Structures, of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC), Fernando Damasco, and the Technical Manager for the IBGE Technical Project of Traditional Peoples and Communities, Marta Antunes. The opening was mediated by the general coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination and Coordination of Social Communication (CDDI/CCS), José Daniel Castro. The regional superintendent of Administration of the Ministry of Management and Innovation (MGI) in Rio de Janeiro, Ângela Carnaval was present at the session.

Mr. Pochmann highlighted the series of publications of the results of the 2022 Population Census, which began in 2023. “It is important to note the set of disseminations that the IBGE has carried out throughout this year, breaking a record with more than 22 thousand events registered weekly in the IBGE Schdule, a huge set of press conferences and products available to Brazilian society, public managers and all those who are committed to making decisions based on the information recorded by the Institute”, said the president of the IBGE.
The Director of Geosciences, Elizabeth Hypólito explained the role of the Census in “obtaining information with greater spatial detail than other surveys”. Ms. Hypólito also highlighted the high level of disaggregation that the Census can achieve, such as districts and enumeration areas. “This allows for rich analysis and information, ensuring that the population can exercise their citizenship and demand public policies, in addition to also allowing managers to implement these policies”.
Next, Ivone Lopes Batista praised the team responsible for the 2022 Population Census. “The teams have been involved since the previous period, long before the statistical survey began in the field. And even after this process, these teams are still focused on tabulating and analyzing the information. It is hard work to disseminate this data to society,” explained the Director of Geosciences.
Raphael Soares also highlighted the work done by the team “with great care, with the support of all IBGE directorates, carrying out complex and exhaustive work. After several years of planning, we deliver these results to Brazilian society.” The Computational Support Manager also thanked all the collection teams, those who answered the Population Census and the Institute’s state superintendencies.
Ângela Carnaval emphasized the partnership with IBGE this year. “Previously, we were unaware of the work carried out by the Institute. We had several lectures and meetings here and it was enriching for us, it is an honor for the Palácio da Fazenda to have the IBGE with us”, explained the superintendent.
Main characteristics of Indigenous persons and their housing units
The technical team brought the results related to this dissemination. According to the Population Census, the Indigenous population residing in urban areas in 2022 reached 914,746 persons, or 53.97% of the total Indigenous population in the country. In 2010, this population was 324,834 persons, or 36.22% of the total Indigenous population. From 2010 to 2022, the Indigenous population in urban areas increased by 181.6%, or 589,912 more persons compared to 2010. The Indigenous population in rural areas reached 780,090 persons, or 46.03% of the country's Indigenous population, growing by 36.36% since 2010, equivalent to 208,007 more Indigenous persons.
“The variations in the Indigenous population from 2010 to 2022 are not exclusively due to demographic components or population movements between urban and rural areas, but also to methodological improvements in the 2022 Census, which allowed for better capture of the Indigenous population, including in urban areas,” explained Marta Antunes.
The data also provides information such as the percentage of Indigenous persons in urban areas by state, literacy rates among the indigenous population, access to sanitation services by this population, and the proportion of registered Indigenous persons compared to the national average. This and other pieces of information can be found here.

Next, it was Fernando Damasco's turn to present the results of the Indigenous localities found in the 2022 Population Census. According to the 2022 Population Census, there were 8,568 indigenous localities in Brazil in 2022, identified in all states and in the Federal District. Most of them (71.55% or 6,130) were on Indigenous lands reported, approved of, regularized or designated as Indigenous reserves on the Census reference date, while 2,438 (28.45%) localities were outside these areas. The North Region (60.20%) of the country concentrated the largest share of Indigenous localities. "The mapping of Indigenous localities is carried out by the IBGE in preparation for the Census. After collecting information, it was supplemented with georeferenced information on the addresses of the Indigenous persons surveyed. The criteria used for spatial analysis of address data were all places that had at least 15 persons self-declared as Indigenous and whose households were contiguous, according to criteria that varied between urban and rural areas, and according to the geographic situation in which the localities were.” explained Fernando Damasco.
The results also showed the distribution of these Indigenous localities by segments of the Major Regions, Federation Units and municipalities. Another point regarded whether the localities were in a rural or urban situation. “While 8,189 (96.00%) of them were located in rural areas, only 378 (4.00%) were identified as being in an urban situation,” highlighted Mr. Damasco.
For more information, click here. The data can be accessed on the IBGE website and on platforms such as SIDRA, Census Overview and the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI), and in the latter two they can also be viewed through interactive maps.