Construction prices change 0.21% in December; close 2024 at 3.98%
January 10, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 10, 2025 04h21 PM

Released today (10) by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI) changed 0.21% in December. The rate is 0.03 percentage points (p.p.) lower than the index registered in November (0.24%). The cumulative index in 2024 was 3.98%, a result above the rate of 2.55% recorded in 2023. Compared with December 2023 (0.26%), it retreated 0.05 percentage points.
The national cost of construction, per square meter, which closed at R$1,786.82 in November, changed to R$1,790.66 in December, being R$1,034.95 relative to material and R$755.71, to workforce.
"The share of material changed 0.33%, dropping 0.08 percentage points in relation to the previous month, whereas the share of workforce reported a rate of 0.06%, a rise of 0.05 percentage points in relation to November," highlighted Augusto Oliveira, manager of the survey.
The cumulative indexes in the year were: 3.32% (material) and 4.90% (workforce). In 2023, the share of material closed at 0.06% and workforce, at 6.22%.
"The difference of 3.26 percentage points between the cumulative rates obtained in 2023 and 2024 in the share of material was strongly influenced by the changes obtained in the second semester of 2024 when compared with rates in the same period of 2023, which show deflation in some months," highlighted Oliveira.
"The cumulative index of the share of workforce stayed at 1.33 percentage points, below that registered in the year of 2023. Having recorded a rate of 4.90%, it contributed to the cumulative figure in the year in the aggregate, which stayed at 1.43 percentage points, above that reported in 2023," complemented the manager.
In December, North and South regions register the highest monthly changes
With a rise in most states, the North and South regions recorded the highest regional changes in December (0.28%). The other regions showed the following results: 0.16% (Northeast), 0.21% (Southeast) and 0.25% (Central-West).
Concerning the construction costs, the values, per square meter, in December were R$1,857.81 (North); R$1,664.21 (Northeast); R$1,837.08 (Southeast); R$1,912.00 (South) and R$1,799.86 (Central-West).
With adjustments in the professional categories and in the share of material, Piauí recorded the highest rate for the last month of the year (1.90%).
North Region has the highest cumulative result for 2024
Having recorded a cumulative rate of 4.81%, the North Region led the Major Regions. It was followed by the Southeast Region, which accumulated 4.13%. The Northeast (4.08%), South (3.77%) and Central-West (2.53%) complete the list. In the cumulative index in the year, Rondônia was the state with the highest rate (8.80%).
More about SINAPI
SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with national coverage, in order to elaborate and evaluate budgets as well as monitor costs.