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Federative Caravan
As part of the actions promoted by the IBGE during the Federative Caravan in Piauí, public administrators in the state will have the chance to participate,...
Next Tuesday, June 25th, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) opens online registration for the National Conference of Data...
Innovation at the IBGE is in tune with international trends. Therefore, in 2024, the Institute will make available the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil,...
2022 Census
The IBGE released today (19) the analysis of results of the Post-Enumeration Survey after the 2022 Population Census. Although it is an independent...
With an audience of more than 100 participants, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) conducted, on Friday (14), the workshop...
IBGE Schedule
The Brazilian Institute of Gepgraphy and Statistics released today (17), the IBGE Schedule for the week of June 17th to 23th. The document covers...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) opened the São João de Meriti Branch this Thursday (13) at the Parada de Lucas unit, northern...
In one of the actions of the task force created by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to assist in the reconstruction of...
The IBGE releases today (14) the complete version of the National Address Files for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), which contains microdata with the...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) participated, at the beginning of June, in two events on official public statistics in...
The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, participated this Wednesday, 12th, in the Labor Observatory Network Meeting, an event held in the auditorium...
The IBGE will be present at another edition of the Federative Caravan, this time in Teresina (PI). The 10th edition of the event will be held on...
As an innovative initiative, the IBGE will make available, starting on July 1st, a series of distance learning courses directed to the external public...
The UN Regional Hub for Big Data in Brazil will hold a webinar on using mobile phone data for public policy implementation on June 18th at 11am....
Released today (10), the IBGE Agenda brings the Institute's schedules for the week of June 10th to 16th. The document covers internal and external...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release on June 14th, at 10 am, the results of the 2022 Population Census: National...
The Secretary of Institutional Articulation of the Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO), João Villaverde, and the head of the Office of Social Participation...
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will hold on June 7th, from 8 am to 12 pm, the second SINGED Lab training aimed at public...
One of the symbols of the northeastern coast, the Costa dos Corais Environmental Protection Area (APA) is the largest coastal marine conservation...
The IBGE celebrated 88 years on May 29, 2024 in a ceremony full of tributes at the Treasury Palace in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). On the same day, the IBGE...
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