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Casa Brasil IBGE

IBGE holds public press conference to release Consumer Expenditure Survey

Section: IBGE | Breno Siqueira

October 08, 2024 06h08 PM | Last Updated: October 11, 2024 12h52 AM

More than 100 peoples went to Casa Brasil IBGE for the public press conference in which POF was released - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) organized a public press conference for the release of the Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF), this Tuesday, 8, at Casa Brasil IBGE, located at Palácio da Fazenda, downtown Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The event was intended to release the Consumer Expenditure Survey, which will be in the field from November 5 to November 2025, with the release of the first results scheduled for the end of the first semester of 2026. The press conference showed details of the survey at national level, the housing units that make up the sample and the importance of this survey at national level. 

Public press conferences of POF were held in the states of Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Federal District, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pará, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Sergipe. The event was streamed online via Digital IBGE and the social networks of the Institute.

Mediated by the general coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination and the Coordination of Social Communication (CDDI/CCS), José Daniel Castro, the press conference was attended (via video) by the president of the Institute, Marcio Pochmann, the director of Surveys at the IBGE, Elizabeth Hypolito, the Coordinator of Household Sample Surveys, Adriana Beringuy, and the POF Manager, Leonardo Oliveira, as well as other technicians who work in the planning, execution and monitoring of the survey. Around one hundred people attended the event, including the regional superintendent of Administration of the Ministry of Management and Innovation (MGI) in Rio de Janeiro, Angela Carnaval, the IBGE Superintendent in the state of Rio, Francisco Lopes, the IBGE technicians and students from the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET/RJ).

The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, explained that “The Institute will be releasing one of the main surveys in Brazil, the Consumer Expenditure Survey, which will have the innovation of bringing information related to the use of time by Brazilians. The Institute will explain the importance of this survey, which is in its seventh edition in the field. It will follow more than 100,000 families over a 12-month period, portraying the daily routine of the population. A survey that will make it possible to update the inflation index and find out about food insecurity”.

In a video, the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, explained that the IBGE will release one of the main surveys in Brazil, the Consumer Expenditure Survey, which will bring new information related to the use of time by Brazilians - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

The Director of Surveys at the Institute, Elizabeth Hypólito, pointed out that “POF investigates many topics, covering the entire daily life of Brazilians. This 2024-2025 edition will not only investigate individual and household income and spending, but also other topics, such as Brazilian food security, quality of life and information on restricted access to medications. POF is constantly being updated to respond to the demands of society.”

The Director of Surveys at the Institute, Elizabeth Hypólito, emphasized that the POF investigates many themes, covering the entire daily life of Brazilians - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

The Coordinator of Household Sample Surveys, Adriana Beringuy, emphasized that “this survey focuses on consumption, and it is worth remembering that it represents 60% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Having this Consumer Expenditure Survey is strategic for the country. It is a victory for the IBGE to conduct this survey once again. It is important to ensure its regularity."

The Coordinator of Household Sample Surveys, Adriana Beringuy emphasized that this survey focuses on consumption - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

During the event, the IBGE released videos and photos of the teams from the IBGE State Superintendencies, from where the survey agents responsible for the data collection will start working in November this year. The team responsible for the data collection in Rio de Janeiro attended the event. Afterwards, a video portrayed the differences in household food consumption in some Brazilian states.

Francisco Lopes, the IBGE superintendent in the state of Rio de Janeiro, highlighted the role it plays in this survey. “We need to know how to do this work in the field so that we do not make mistakes. We trained the instructors in Nova Friburgo (RJ), and now we're going to conduct local training, preparing the census agents for the data collection. It will be a great challenge”, concluded Lopes.

Standing next to the POF team in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Francisco Lopes, the IBGE superintendent in the state of Rio de Janeiro, highlighted the role it plays in this survey - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

Ângela Carnaval, the regional superintendent of Administration for the Ministry of Management and Innovation (MGI) in Rio de Janeiro, welcomed those who came to Casa Brasil IBGE and made an invitation. “Visit our museum, our collection and, of course, our beautiful view. The Palácio da Fazenda has a guided tour for anyone who wants to see the place. The IBGE is part of this collection and it is rewarding to have a place like this for the Institute,” Ângela said.

Angela Carnaval, regional superintendent of Administration of the Ministry of Management and Innovation (MGI) in Rio de Janeiro, welcomed those who to Casa Brasil IBGE and made an invitation - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

Information about POF 2024-2025

Leonardo Oliveira is the survey manager and was responsible for presenting the innovations in the POF 2024-2025. “For the seventh edition of the POF, we will have questions about access to financial services and POF 6, related to quality of life, dealing with topics such as family history, access to information, people with disabilities, gender identity and sexual orientation. Another innovation, which is being planned, is the time use test, which will be conducted in one Federal Unit in each region and will reach a total of 3,720 households”, Oliveira emphasized.

POF manager Leonardo Oliveira explained the new features of the survey, now in its seventh edition - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

The manager also emphasized that this survey “portrays the daily lives of families precisely. POF aims to investigate household budgets and their respective lifestyle habits”. The survey will begin in the field on November 5 and is expected to last 12 months in more than 100,000 households in more than 2,000 municipalities in all the Federative Units. POF 2024-2025 will investigate the budget and quality of life, dealing with topics such as the structure of price and inflation indices, national accounts, food insecurity and access to financial services.

In each household, the interviewer will keep in contact with the family for nine days. The questionnaire is divided into seven topics: characteristics of the housing unit and residents, collective acquisition, collective acquisition booklet, individual acquisition,  individual work and income, living conditions and personal food consumption.

POF 1, which will deal with households and residents, will enquire about the number of rooms and bedrooms, as well as the about availability of water and energy and the destination of garbage. It will also collect information in the status of the consumption unit, level of education, color, age and sex of the residents.

POF 2 will enquire about expenses and personal acquisition, such as water and sanitation bills, expenses such as rent and acquisition of household appliances and furniture, for example. The third theme of this survey is “Collective booklet”, dealing with expenses and food and drink consumption, cleaning articles and animal feed.

POF 4, which deals with individual acquisition by Brazilians, brings a new topic: games and online bets (BETs), as well as spending on transportation, food away from home, medicines, clothing and vehicle acquisition. POF 5 deals with labor and income and will enquire about the occupation of Brazilians, as well as taxes, contributions, pensions and financial transactions.

POF 6, one of the innovations in this seventh edition, includes questions related to subjective assessment of life satisfaction and environmental issues, as well as the Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA), the presence of people with disabilities, access to the internet for information and sexual orientation and gender identity. POF 7, on the other hand, deals with the topic of “personal food consumption”, asking about the time of day when food is consumed, the type of product, its quantity, how it is prepared and when it is consumed.

IBGE lança concursos para a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares

During the event, the IBGE launched an internal and external competitive examination related to the Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF). Marcos Balster, the IBGE manager for educational affairs, explained that the institute will be asking people to show their meals and post them on their social media profiles, tagging the IBGE. “Those who get more views will be competing for prizes. The idea is to make people aware of POF and make them understand that the small choices they make about consumption create a portrait of the whole country,” explained Balster.

The IBGE manager for Educational Affairs, Marcos Balster, explained that the Institute will request that people show their meals and post them on their social media profiles, tagging the IBGE- Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

High school students attended the public press conference of POF 2024-2025

Students from the Maracanã Campus of the Federal Technological Education Center of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET/RJ) attended the public press conference on the Consumer Expenditure Survey at Casa Brasil IBGE. Paulo Victor is a junior student at the Building course and praised the work of the Institute in this event. “It was a very complete presentation, I learned a lot more about the IBGE. We discovered other works of Institute besides the Census, it is a great experience”.

CEFET/RJ students attended the public press conference for the presentation of the POF - Photo: Marcio Costa/ IBGE News Agency

Marina Rodrigues, a first-year studentfreshman on the Roads course, said that what most caught her attention was “the wide range of the IBGE studies and the diversity of statistics that of the Institute has, not only the Census, which is what the population is generally most familiar with”.

Marina Rodrigues, a first-year student onfreshman of the Roads course, said that what most caught her attention was “the wide range of the studies conducted by the IBGE - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency/figcaption>

Watch videos with the POF teams and families in the states.


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