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The average unemployed population in the year added up to 10.0 million people in 2022, a drop of 3.9 million (-27.9%) over 2021. Nevertheless, the...
Product: Continuous National Household Sample Survey
The unemployment rate (7.9%) in the moving quarter Oct-Dec 2022 fell by 0.8 percentage points against the quarter Jul-Sep 2022 (8.7%) and by 3.2...
The IBGE released today the values of the per capita household earnings related to 2022 for Brazil and Federation Units, based on the Continuous...
The unemployment rate (8.1%) of the moving quarter between September and November 2022 dropped 0.9 percentage points (pp) in relation to the quarter...
The unemployment rate (8.3%) of the moving quarter August-October 2022 retreated 0.8 percentage points (p.p.) against the quarter May-July 2022...
The unemployment rate in the third quarter of 2022 in Brazil was 8.7%, retreating 0.6 percentage points (p.p.) against the second quarter of 2022...
The unemployment rate (8.7%) of the moving quarter between July and September 2022 retreated 0.6 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to the quarter...
The unemployment rate (8.9%) of the moving quarter between June and August 2022 retreated 0.9 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to the quarter...
The unemployment rate (9.1%) of the moving quarter May-July 2022 dropped 1.4 percentage points (pp) against the quarter February-April 2022 (10.5%)...
The unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2022 in Brazil was 9.3%, retreating 1.8 percentage points (p.p.) against the first quarter of 2022...
The unemployment rate (9.3%) of the moving quarter between April and June 2022 dropped 1.8 percentage points (pp) in relation to the quarter from...
The unemployment rate (9.8%) of the moving quarter between March and May 2022 dropped 1.4 percentage points (pp) in relation to the quarter from...
The unemployment rate (10.5%) in the moving quarter from February to April 2022 decreased by 0.7 percentage points against the quarter of November...
The IBGE releases today the values of nominal monthly household income per capita (RDPC) and the Coefficients of Regional Imbalance (CDR) for 2021...
The unemployment rate was 11.1% in Brazil in the first quarter of 2022, remaining stable in relation to the fourth quarter of 2021 (11.1%) and dropping...
Indicator/Period Jan-Feb-Mar 2022 Dec-Nov-Oct 2021 Jan-Feb-Mar 2021 Unemployment rate 11.1% 11.1% 14.9% Underutilization rate...
The unemployment rate (11.2%) in the moving quarter December 2021-February 2022 decreased by 0.4 percentage points against the quarter September-November...
The unemployment rate (11.2%) retreated 0.9 percentage points in the moving quarter between November 2021 and January 2022 in relation to the quarter...
The IBGE publishes today the values of the 2021 per capita household income for Brazil and Federation Units, calculated based on the Continuous National...
Unemployment rate in the country in Q4 2021 was 11.1%, with a decrease of 1.5 percentage points (p.p) from the Jul-Sep 2021 quarter (12.3%) and of...
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