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Quarterly Continuous PNAD: unemployment drops in eight of the 27 Federation Units in Q2 2023

August 15, 2023 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 18, 2023 01h56 AM

The unemployment rate in the country in the second quarter of 2023 reached 8.0%, having dropped by 0.8 percentage points (p.p.) against the first quarter in the year (8.8%) and by 1.3 p.p) against the same quarter in 2022 (9.3%).

Against the previous quarter, the unemployment rate dropped in four of the five Major Regions, having remained stable in the South. There was also a decrease in eight of the 27 Federation Units, whereas the other 19 were stable. The Northeast kept the highest rate (11.3%), and the South, the lowest (4.7%).

The highest unemployment rates were those of Pernambuco (14.2%), Bahia (13.4%) and Amapá (12.4%), and the lowest, of Rondônia (2.4%), Mato Grosso (3.0%) and Santa Catarina (3.5%).

The unemployment rate by sex hit 6.9% among men and 9.6% among women in Q2 2023. The unemployment rate by color or race was below the national average (8.0%) among white persons (6.3%) and, above, among black persons (10.0%) and brown ones (9.3%).

The unemployment rate among persons with incomplete high school level (13.6%) exceeded the rate in the other levels of schooling.

Among persons with incomplete higher education, the rate was 8.3%, more than twice as that of persons with a higher education degree (3.8%).

In Q2 2023, the compound underutilization rate of workforce (percentage of unemployed persons, time-related underemployed persons and in the potential workforce in relation to expanded workforce) hit 17.8%. Piauí (39.7%) had the highest rate, followed by Sergipe (31.1%) and Bahia (30.9%). The lowest underutilization rates were those of Rondônia (6.3%), Santa Catarina (6.3%), and Mato Grosso (7.6%).   

The number of discouraged persons in the second quarter of 2023 reached 3.7 million persons. The highest number was in the Northeast (2.3 million discouraged persons).

The percentage of discouraged persons (against the population in the workforce or discouraged) in Q2 2023 reached 3.3%.

The percentage of persons employed with a formal contract in the private sector was 73.7%.
The Northeast (59.1%) and the North (58.4%) registered levels below those in other Major Regions.

The percentage of the self-employed population in the country was 25.5%.
The highest percentages were those of Rondônia (37.8%), Amazonas (32.3%) and Amapá (31.7%) and the lowest, those of the Federal District (19.9%), Tocantins (20.7%) and Goiás (21.7%).

The informality rate for Brazil was 39.2% of the employed population. The highest rates were those of Pará (58.7%), Maranhão (57.0%) and Amazonas (56.8%) and the lowest, of Santa Catarina (26.6%), Federal District (31.2%) and São Paulo (31.6%).

In Q2 2023, a total of 2.04 million persons who had been searching for work for two years and over. That figure dropped by 31.7% against the second quarter of 2022, when there were 2.985 million persons in this group. From the second quarter in 2012 (first year of the time series), the total of persons searching for work for two years or more increased by 34.2%.  

The average usual real earnings hit R$ 2,316, representing increase in earnings, whereas the other regions were stable. The North (R$ 2,316) recorded an increaase in earnings from the first quarter this year, whereas the other Major Regionbs remained stable. Against the second semester of 2022, all the Major Regions recorded expansion.

Unemployment rate drops in eight Federation Units and remains stable in other 19

Against the firt quarter this year, the unemployment rate dropped in eight Federation Units and was stable in the others. The Federal District stands out, with a change from 12.0% to 8.7%, so as Rio Grande do Norte, which went from 12.1% to 10.2%.

Unemployment rate, by Federation Unit, against the previous quarter (%) - Q2 2023
UF Q1 2023 Q2 2023 status
Pernambuco 14.1 14.2
Bahia 14.4 13.4
Amapá 12.2 12.4
Rio de Janeiro 11.6 11.3
Paraíba 11.,1 10.4
Sergipe 11.9 10.3
Amazonas 10.5 9.7
Piauí 11.1 9.7
Alagoas 10.6 9.7
Acre 9.8 9.3
Tocantins 6.9 6.5
Espírito Santo 7.0 6.4
Goiás 6.7 6.2
Rio Grande do Sul 5.4 5.3
Roraima 6.8 5.1
Paraná 5.4 4.9
Mato Grosso do Sul 4.8 4.1
Santa Catarina 3.8 3.5
Rondônia 3.2 2.4
São Paulo 8.5 7.8
Brazil 8.8 8.0
Ceará 9.6 8.6
Minas Gerais 6.8 5.8
Maranhão 9.9 8.8
Pará 9.8 8.6
Mato Grosso 4.5 3.0
Rio Grande do Norte 12.1 10.2
Federal District 12.0 8.7

Piauí has highest underutilization rate (39.7%) and Rondônia, the lowest (6.3%) 

In Q2 2023, the compound underutilization rate of workforce in the country reached 17.8%. Piauí (39.7%) recorded the highest rate, followed by Sergipe (31.1%) and Bahia (30.9%). The lowest rates were those of Rondônia (6.3%), Santa Catarina (6,3%), and Mato Grosso (7.6%).

Compound underutilization rate of workforce by FU (%) - Q2 2023

Rondônia has the highest proportion of self-employed workers (37.8%) and the Federal District, the lowest (19.9%)

The percentage of the self-employed population in the country was 25.5%.
The highest percentages were those found in Rondônia (37.8%), Amazonas (32.3%) and Amapá (31.7%) and the lowest, the Federal District (19.9%), Tocantins (20.7%) and Goiás (21.7%).

Percentage of self-employed persons, by Federation Unit (%) - Q2 2023
FU Value
Federal District 19.9
Tocantins 20.7
Goiás 21.7
Mato Grosso do Sul 22.6
São Paulo 23.4
Paraná 23.5
Mato Grosso 23.7
Minas Gerais 24.2
Santa Catarina 24.3
Espírito Santo 24.4
Sergipe 24.9
Alagoas 25.2
Rio Grande do Sul 25.2
Brazil 25.5
Roraima 25.8
Rio de Janeiro 26.2
Rio Grande do Norte 26.8
Piauí 27.5
Ceará 28.4
Bahia 28.5
Paraíba 29.3
Acre 29.4
Pará 29.5
Maranhão 30.9
Pernambuco 31.2
Amapá 31.7
Amazonas 32.3
Rondônia 37.8

Lowest percentage of workers with a formal contract is from MA (49.3%) and the highest, de SC (88.1%)

In Q2 2023, 73.3% of the workers in the private sector in Brazil had a formal employment contract. The Northeast (59.1%) and North regions (58.4%) recorded the lowest rates. Among the domestic workers, 25.5% had signed a formal employment contract in Brazil. In the same quarter last year, this proportion had been 25.1%.

Among the Federation Units, the highest percentage of workers with a formal employment contract in the private sector were in Santa Catarina (88.1%), Rio Grande do Sul (82,3%) and Paraná (81.3%) and the lowest, in Maranhão (49.3%), Pará (51.5%) and Tocantins (53.5%).

Percentage of employed persons WITH a formal contract in the private sector, by FUs (%) - Q2 2023
FU Value
Maranhão 49.3
Pará 51.5
Tocantins 53.5
Piauí 53.5
Ceará 57.4
Bahia 58.0
Sergipe 58.2
Paraíba 59.4
Alagoas 60.3
Roraima 61.6
Amazonas 64.3
Rio Grande do Norte 64.4
Pernambuco 68.1
Amapá 68.3
Acre 68.5
Goiás 71.1
Brazil 73.7
Espírito Santo 74.0
Minas Gerais 75.7
Rio de Janeiro 75.8
Mato Grosso do Sul 76.4
Distrito Federal 76.7
Rondônia 77.5
Mato Grosso 77.8
São Paulo 80.0
Paraná 81.3
Rio Grande do Sul 82.3
Santa Catarina 88.1

Earnings increased only in the North, against previous quarter/b>

The average usual real earnings estimate was R$ 2,921, being stable against Q1 2023 (R$ 2,923) and recording an increase against the same quarter in 2022 (R$ 2,750). Against the previous quarter, the North (R$ 2,316) was the only Major Region to record significantly increase in earnings, whereas the other ones remained stable. From Q2 2022, all the Major Regions recorded increases.

The real wage bill from all the activities usually earned per mnth by persons aged 14 and over, employed in the week of reference, was estimated at R$ 284.1 billion, recording statistical stability from the previous quarter (R$ 281.3 billion). Against Q2 2022 (R$ 265.2 billion), there was an increase of wagebill.

Pará has highest informality rate (58.7%) and SC, the lowest (26.6%)

The informality rate for Brazil was 39.2% of the employed population. The highest rates were recorded by Pará (58.7%), Maranhão (57.0%) and Amazonas (56.8%) and the lowest, by Santa Catarina (26.6%), Federal District (31.2%) and São Paulo (31.6%).

For the calculation of the informality rate of the employed population, the following groups are considered: Workers in the private sector without a formal employment contract; Domestic worker without a foram employment contract; Employment without a CNPJ number; Self-employed workers without a CNPJ number; and Contributing family worker.

Taxa de informalidade da população ocupada, por UFs (%) - 2º trimestre de 2023
UF Value
Pará 58.7
Maranhão 57.0
Amazonas 56.8
Bahia 52.7
Ceará 52.5
Piauí 52.2
Sergipe 51.0
Paraíba 49.3
Rondônia 48.8
Pernambuco 48.1
Alagoas 46.3
Amapá 46.1
Roraima 45.1
Acre 44.7
Tocantins 44.6
Rio Grande do Norte 44.1
Brazil 39.2
Espírito Santo 38,3
Goiás 37.4
Rio de Janeiro 37.2
Minas Gerais 37.0
Mato Grosso 35.0
Mato Grosso do Sul 34,1
Rio Grande do Sul 32.4
Paraná 31.9
São Paulo 31.6
Federal District 31.2
Santa Catarina 26.6

Unemployment remains on a downard trend in most ranges of period of job search

In the second quarter of 2023, the figures relative to ranges of period of job search continued recording percentage decreases, as shown in the table below.

By Q2 2023, 2.04 million unemployed persons had been looking for a job for two years and more. This figure dropped by 31.7% against the second quarter of 2022, when there were 2,985 million persons in this range. There was a decrease of 945 thousand persons within this period of time. Neverheless, against the first year of the time series, in the second quarter of 2012, the total number of persons searching for work for two years or more increased by 34.2%.


Period of job search 2nd quarter
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Less than 1 month  931  872  861  922 1 079 1 470 1 905 1 832 1 537 1 524 1 581 1 605
From 1 month to less than 1 month 3 896 4 147 3 710 4 710 6 148 6 819 6 187 5 962 7 712 6 438 4 287 4 050
From 1 year to less than 2 years 1 016 1 046 1 091 1 423 2 139 2 388 1 880 1 837 1 455 3 057 1 227  952
2 years and more 1 520 1 327 1 198 1 443 2 350 2 921 3 177 3 381 2 525 3 812 2 985 2 040
Period of job search Percentage change
Less than 1 month -6.3 -1.3 7.1 17.0 36.2 29.6 -3.8 -16.1 -0.8 3.7 15 72.4
From 1 month to less than 1 year 6.4 -10.5 27.0 30.5 10.9 -9.3 -3.6 29.4 -16.5 -33.4 -5.5 4.0
From 1 year to less than 2 years 3.0 4.3 30.4 50.3 11.6 -21.3 -2.3 -20.8 110.1 -59.9 -22.4 -6.3
2 years and more -12.7 -9.7 20.5 62.9 24.3 8.8 6.4 -25.3 51.0 -21.7 -31.7 34.2

Keywords: PNAD Contínua Trimestral: desocupação recua em oito das 27 UFs no segundo trimestre de 2023