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The IBGE released today the estimates of the resident population for the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, based on the reference date of July 1, 2020....
Product: Population Estimates
In 2019, 11.2% (or 10.6 million) workers in the country were union members, with a rate below that of 2018 (12.5% or 11.5 million). The decrease...
This proportion remained statistically stable in relation to the previous week (7.5%) and dropped against the first week of the survey, May 3-9 (19.8%)....
Product: National Household Sample Survey - PNAD COVID19
The analysis of 21.4 million trips showed that 96.1% (20.6 million) were domestic and 3.9% (828.7 thousand) were international. In 73.9% (15.8...
The unemployment rate (13.3%) rose 1.1 percentage points in the moving quarter from April to June 2020 in relation to the quarter between January...
Product: Continuous National Household Sample Survey
This proportion dropped in relation to the previous week (10.1%) and against the first week of the survey, between May 3-9 (19.8%). PNAD COVID19...
Compared to the previous week, the proportion fell 12.5%; when compared to the first week of the survey (May 3 to 9), it dropped 19.8%. PNAD COVID19...
In June, about 29.4 million housing units received some aid related to the pandemic (such as the Emergency Aid and the Emergency Benefit for Employment...
In 2017, less than half (44.7% or 2,476) of the 5,544 municipalities with water supplied by a general network had laws protecting springs, while...
Product: Survey of Basic Municipal Information
The percentage of municipalities with water supply by means of a general system hit 99.6% (5,548 municipalities) in 2017, being the system fully...
This proportion dropped in relation to the previous week (13.3%) and against the first week of the survey, between May 3 and 9 (19.8%). PNAD...
Although the proportion of persons aged 25 and over with a high school degree in the country has increased, with change from 45.0% in 2016 to 47.4%...
Continuous PNAD
Necessity of working, lack of interest and pregnancy are the main reasons causing Brazilian youngsters to stop their studies. Among the almost 50...
This proportion dropped in relation to the previous week (14.8%) and against the first week of the survey, from May 3 to 9 (19.8%). PNAD COVID19...
This contingent remained stable in relation to the previous week (2.8 million), but it decreased in relation to the first week of PNAD COVID19, May...
The unemployment rate (12.9%) in the moving quarter ended in May 2020 increased 1.2 percentage points in relation to the quarter from December 2019...
This amount decreased in relation to the previous week (3.6 million) and over the first week of the PNAD COVID19, from May 3 to 9 (3.7 million)....
Of the 84.4 million workers in the country, around 19.0 million were away from their duties and, among these, 9.7 million were unpaid, which is equivalent...
In the week between May 24 and 30, 2020, the IBGE´s PNAD COVID19 estimated that 22.1 million persons (or 10.5% of the population) showed at least...
In 2019, the population aged 14 and older dedicated an average of 16.8 hours per week to household chores or caretaking of persons, with 21.4 hours...
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