2022 Census: Technical team releases preliminary education results in Porto Alegre (RS)
February 26, 2025 05h01 PM | Last Updated: March 06, 2025 10h37 AM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released on Wednesday, 26, the data related to the 2022 Population Census: Education: Preliminary Sample Results. The event took place at the Cultural Center of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Farroupilha neighborhood, in Porto Alegre (RS). counting with the presence of authorities, IBGE officers and guests and streamed through Digital IBGE and IBGE´s social media.

In the opening session, the event counted with the presence of Gustavo Junger, Director of Surveys, Maria do Carmo Dias Bueno, Director of Geosciences, Giulia Scappini, Coordinator of the Population Census, and Márcia Barbosa, UFRGS´s Rector. The release of the results was carried out by Juliana Queiroz, an IBGE Analyst.
Junger highlighted that "the production of information to formulate sound public policies requires a great effort. Censuses are one of the largest statistical operations that a national statistical office can take, producing information for all the municipalities. It is not the Census of the IBGE, it is the Census of Brazil."
Reminding the environmental disaster occurred in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in the end of April 2024, Junger highlighted the need to focus on methodologies towards the production of information on environmental impacts and announced a new survey. "We will carry out a survey aimed at the reality that occurred in this state, which will go live in the coming months. Our goal is to bring unprecedented information for the Brazilian reality," announced the director of Surveys.

According to Maria do Carmo Dias Bueno, this release contributes to deepen the information on education in Brazil, as it brings data related to schooling level, years of study, incidence of persons with higher education and which courses they attended. "As a result, we can formulate public policies and size the education issue in Brazil, as well as assess the way we are evolving," highlighted the director of Geosciences.
Giulia Scappini highlighted how the Census is one of the largest statistical processes accomplished in Brazil. "This operation involves a major work to be done. Therefore, every release is an achievement of the entire society, translating the effort of all the IBGE officers, members of civil society, international organizations and other governmental actors," highlighted the coordinator of the Population Census.
Márcia Barbosa, UFRGS´s Rector, emphasized that everyone should understand what is explained by the data presented by the IBGE, especially in relation to the education processes. "We should know where we are and, thanks to the IBGE, we manage to have such picture not only of Rio Grande do Sul, but of the entire Brazilian territory. It helps us to plan actions," explains the rector.

The closing session of the event counted with the presence of José Renato Braga de Almeida, IBGE Superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul, Diogo Demarco, Pro-Rector of Planning and Comptroller of UFRGS, Raquel Teixeira, Secretary of Education of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and Carmen Lúcia Lima, Census Coordinator of the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Porto Alegre (SMED).
José Renato Braga de Almeida highlighted the work carried out by the IBGE to accomplish the Census. "The data presented here reassure the IBGE commitment in portraying Brazil with information required to know its reality and to the exercise of citizenship, becoming a very transparent instrument by revealing to Brazil data related to education," highlighted the IBGE superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul.

Demarco greeted the IBGE for the production and dissemination of data related to education. "Having information like those that the IBGE provides through the Census is quite important. We thank the IBGE for using this space to present such important results for the formulation of public policies," highlighted the pro-rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
According to Raquel Teixeira, the picture presented the IBGE is the face of Brazil. For instance, the increase of women in universities. "We take data very seriously. They foster the work here in our state," highlighted the secretary.
Representing the Municipal Secretary of Education of Porto Alegre, Leonardo Pascoal, the Census Coordinator of SMED, Carmen Lúcia Lima mentioned the importance of the access to the most up-to-date data on education by the population. "The Census is a key study to build public policies of quality. It is our role as a public manager to analyze these data now and act," explained the coordinator.
Preliminary education results
Analyst Juliana Queiroz brought the results for this release. According to the Population Census, the proportion of persons with higher education grew 2.7 times among persons aged 25 years and over, jumping from 6.8% to 18.4%. "The analysis of the results shows that the increase in the proportion of persons with higher education occurred for all groups of color or race," highlighted the analyst.

Another focus of this release is school attendance. According to the Census, school attendance grew in the age groups up to 17 years. For children aged between 0 and 3 years, the gross school attendance rate jumped from 9.4% to 33.9%. In the range between 4 and 5 years, the attendance rose from 51.4% to 86.7%. In the group between 6 and 14 years, close to universalization, the rate changed from 93.1% to 98.3%. In the range between 15 and 17 years, attendance rose from 77.4% to 85.3% between 2000 and 2022. More information can be found here.

A territory of information workshop guides the use of the results of the 2022 Census in Porto Alegre, RS
On Wednesday afternoon (26), the workshop "A territory of information: Potentialities of the 2022 Census data" was presented in Porto Alegre (RS), aimed at showing the potentialities of the data for decision taking of public administrators, members of the academic community and the public in general.
Among the topics discussed in the workshop, Census news and numbers of the operation were released along the afternoon. In addition, tools and ways to access data (2022 Census Overview, PGI, Sidra, BDiA) and perspectives for the next releases were pointed out. More than 40 persons participated in the workshop among IBGE officers, teachers, students, press and representatives of society.
Gustavo Junger, Director of Surveys, and José Renato Braga de Almeida, IBGE Superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul, opened the workshop, welcoming the participants and briefly talked about their roles in the census operation and other surveys.
Then Giulia Fortes Scappini, the Census Technical Coordinator, introduced the census operation, talking about aspects of the development and follow-up of the work. She also explained the themes approached in the Census and presented the questionnaires.

Interactive tools
Tools and ways to access the 2022 Census data were presented in the second part of the workshop. Bruno Mandelli Perez presented the Census resources of information recovery, highlighting the access to the 2022 Census Overview, designed to streamline the access to information through infographics, maps and tables. He also highlighted the other resources to access the Census data, like the IBGE system of Information Recovery (SIDRA) and exploitation of data through enumeration area aggregates, among others.
The Interactive Geographical Platform (PGI) was another tool presented to the workshop participants. At that time, officer Adrian Zancanaro Rostirolla, a SES-RS technician, showed that the PGI focus is to present information in an interactive and geo-referenced way, allowing to view the results of the Census and other data sources on the territory.
The workshop closed with the presentation of the Environmental Information Database (BDiA) carried out by Therence de Sarti, who showed how the environmental information is organized in the platform. In the closing session, Scappini announced the next releases. Then the technicians answered questions and cleared doubts from the participants.