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In Brasília

Held by the Federal Government, event will have stand, conference and workshops from IBGE, in addition to launch of special products

Section: IBGE | Mario Grabois

February 11, 2025 10h00 AM | Last Updated: February 12, 2025 03h07 PM

IBGE stand is visited by mayors from all over the country - Photo: IBGE Archive

From February 11 to 13, 2025, the Federal Government will hold the Meeting of New Mayors in Brasília, which aims to bring the Federal Government closer to municipalities to facilitate access to essential information, resources and tools for mayors, governors and state and municipal managers.

The IBGE will participate in the event with a stand to provide assistance and disseminate statistical and geoscientific information to mayors, advisors, specialists and other participants in the meeting, in addition to offering workshops and a conference.

President Marcio Pochmann will present the Conference CENSUS 2022 - Interiorization and change of the dynamic axis for small and medium-sized municipalities, in which he will describe and analyze the new demographic scenario that is emerging in the country, with its economic, social and environmental repercussions.

“The first quarter of the year confirms the presentation and discussion of the 2025 Work Plan. In January, important meetings with public managers were held in the cities of Belém, Recife, Brasília, Vitória and Porto Alegre. In February, the IBGE had a prominent participation in Brasília in the big meeting of mayors. A special moment to value IBGE's production together with Brazilian policy designers, makers and evaluators, especially on the topic of metropolitan governance”, stated Mr. Pochmann.

The workshops led and integrated by the IBGE are the following:

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WORKSHOP - Municipal Planning, Public Statistics and Artificial Intelligence

This workshop is based on the material prepared from the information, studies and research resulting from the technical cooperation agreement between the IBGE, the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), for the development of the Artificial Intelligence Applied to Public Policies (IAPP) project. The workshop is being held by the general coordinator of the National School of Statistics (ENCE), Paulo Jannuzzi, and the professor at UFG, Vicente Rocha.

INDICATORS WORKSHOP - Socioeconomic Indicators and Territorial Structure in the Amazon: Assessment and Analysis

With the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, the IBGE is taking on a strategic role in the release and dissemination of information, activities, products and projects focused on the Northern Region and the Amazon.

In this sense, the workshop provides an overview with information on the characteristics of the population living in the Federation Units of the North of the country and the existing socioeconomic conditions.

The workshop is also linked to the recently opened Casa Brasil IBGE COP, located at the Federal University of Pará. The person in charge is the state superintendent of Pará (SES/PA), Rony Helder Nogueira Cordeiro.

DIGITAL ERA WORKSHOP - Public Policies in the Digital Era: Mastering IBGE Data

The objective is to train public managers in the efficient access and use of data and information available on IBGE's main digital platforms. The workshop also aims to promote the development of essential skills for effective decision-making, contributing to a more transparent and efficient public administration. Leandro Albertini, coordinator of the Online Experience and Services Coordination (CDDI/CEON) is charge of this workshop.

In addition, the IBGE is participating jointly in the Workshop on Municipal Planning Oriented to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), organized by the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and will also include the participation of the Ministry of Cities, Ministry of Planning, ABM (Brazilian Association of Municipalities), FNP (National Front of Mayors), and UN Habitat.

The coordinator of the IBGE SDG Indicators Project, Denise Kronemberger, will talk about the role of these indicators in the monitoring the 2030 Agenda in municipalities and how the Institute can contribute through statistics and its experience to the production of municipal indicators.

The IBGE will also be present at the launch of the Pact for Sustainable Development - “My Municipality for the SDGs” Commitment, which will take place on the 12th.

Launch of special products at the Meeting

At the IBGE stand in the Meeting space, mayors, advisors, specialists and participants can receive information, guidance and tips on the Institute's main information channels, both in statistics and geosciences. They can learn about IBGEeduca and other support, knowledge and partnership initiatives promoted by the Institution for the benefit of Brazilian society.

Two special products will be launched at the Meeting and will serve the municipal managers present at this great meeting: My IBGE and Overview of Cities.

My IBGE is an interactive website that provides information on how a person fits into the Brazilian population in a fun way. By entering their age, race or color, city of residence and sex, people can find out information such as how many people are in their age group, what percentage of the population has their color, among other interesting facts. In addition, it is possible to compare important indicators of the city with those of other locations, such as literacy and access to water and sewage, among other items.

My IBGE allows people to learn more about Brazil's diversity and demographic characteristics in a light and relaxed way, making important information about the country more accessible and interesting for everyone.

The Overview of Cities is a resource developed exclusively for the Meeting of New Mayors. This resource generates, in real time, customized reports in PDF format for the municipalities, containing indicators from the IBGE and other statistical and geoscientific sources, time series, graphs, comparisons with other locations, as well as the history of each municipality.

The products are also available to all users on the IBGE website.

Service –  IBGE's Participation:

  • 2022 Census Conference - Interiorization and change of the dynamic axis for small and medium-sized municipalities - February 12, 9 am to 10:30 am
  • Launch of the Pact for Sustainable Development - Commitment "My Municipality for the SDGs" - February 12, 4 pm to 6 pm
  • Workshop on Municipal Planning Oriented to the SDGs - February 11, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
  • Workshop on Socioeconomic Indicators and Territorial Structure in the Amazon: Assessment and Analysis - February 12, 11 am to 12:30 pm.
  • Workshop on Artificial Intelligence - Municipal Planning, Public Statistics and Artificial Intelligence, February 12, 9 am to 10:30 am.
  • Digital Era Workshop - Public Policies in the Digital Era: Mastering IBGE Data - February 12th, 2pm to 3pm.

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