IBGE Schedule
IBGE releases schedule for the week of September 30 to October 4
September 30, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 30, 2024 09h00 AM

The IBGE Schedule for this week, released today (30), includes internal and external meetings, events and appointments of the Presidency, the Directorates and Advisory Boards, the State Superintendencies of the IBGE, and the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).
Since January, the Institute's weekly Schedule has been available every Monday at 9 am. Check out the full schedule for this week on the IBGE Schedule.
On Monday (30), at 11 am, the Presidency will participate in the opening session of the
27th Congress of Education, with the lecture “Public policies for the promotion and universalization of Rights in a context of Inequalities – challenges and perspectives,” of the National System of Public Security Information (SINESP). At 7:30 pm, they will attend the opening of the V International Symposium of Geography of Knowledge and Innovation, with the topic “New urban centralities in the Digital Era: Information technologies and command in city networks.”
On Tuesday (1) at 10 am, a team from the Presidency will participate in an online meeting of the Technical Chamber of Health and Environment of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), about climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution.
On Wednesday (2), at 4 pm, representatives of the Presidency will meet with representatives of the Petrobrás Social Security Foundation (PETROS).
On Thursday (3), at 10 am, a team will meet with the Curator Council of the IBGE. At 2 pm, members of the Presidency will participate in a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, about SDG indicators 8 and 16. At the same time, the Presidency will join an online meeting with the Consulting Commission for the 2022 Population Census.
On Friday (4), at 2:30 am, the team will participate in a meeting with the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) about indicator 16.6.2 - SDG 16.
Directorates and Advisories
On Monday, a team from the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will attend the Seminar on Economic Scenario of the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA). Throughout the day, representatives of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) will participate in the G20 workshop with the topic “Building a fair world and a sustainable planet.” At 9:30 am, professors from the National School of Statistical Sciences will be attending the event Artificial Intelligence in Public Policies, at the State Court of Audit, in Goiás.
On Tuesday (1), at 9 am, members of the Executive Directorate (DE) will participate in a meeting with the Technical Committee for the Census of Agriculture. At 10 am, a team from the DPE will meet with a team from the Sub-secretariat of Labor Statistics and Studies of the Ministry of Labor and Unemployment.
On Wednesday (2), a team from DPE will be attending the VI Meeting of the Working Group for the update of the Intersectoral Strategy for the Reduction of Loss and Waste of Food in Brazil. Also during the same day, a team from DPE will be in a meeting on tax burden on National Accounts products - Tax Gap-RFB Product.
Also on Wednesday, at 9 am, professors of ENCE will attend the Math Symposium of the Sul Fluminense Area (SIMMA) 2024, which will be held at Federal Fluminense University (UFF). At 10 am, at the Social Communication Coordination (CCS) there will be a press conference about the Monthly Survey of Industry: Physical Production - Brazil. At 1:30 pm, a team from DGC will attend a meeting of the National Network for Ocean Observation and Monitoring (ReNOMO) about tide gauge at the headquarters of INPO.
On Thursday (3), at 2 pm, a team from DPE will attend a meeting of the Consulting Committee of the 2022 Population Census. At the same time, a team from the Directorate of Geosciences will meet with the Consulting Committee for the 2022 Population Census. At 3 pm, representatives of DGC will join a meeting of the technical group of the Regional Hub for Big Data.
On Friday (4), all day long, a team from DPE will take part in the presentation of the Evaluation Services of Federal Public Services - OGU/CGU. At 8:30 am, a group from DGC will visit EduSesc Ceilândia. At 10 am, representatives of DPE will participate in an online event of the Department of Epidemiological Analysis and Surveillance of Non-Communicable Diseases (DAENT) on cancer.
Also on Friday, at 10 am, at Casa Brasil IBGE, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), there will be the release of 2022 population Census - Indigenous peoples: Literacy, birth records and characteristics of housing units, by spectific areas.
State Superintendencies
On Monday (30), throughout the day, a team from the State Superintendency in Amapá (SES/AP) will provide support to technicians from the Geodesy Department who will be working on the maintenance of the Permanent Tide Gauge Network – RMPG.
On Tuesday (1), at 9 am, a team from the State Superintendency in Bahia (SES/BA) will participate in a meeting with the COMEQ research group on Estimation in Small Areas.
On Wednesday (2), at 8am, a team from the State Superintendency of Mato Grosso do Sul (SES/MS) will participate in a course about the IBGE System of Automatic Retrieval (SIDRA) and the National Address List for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), in the Meeting of Geographers of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the municipality of Aquidauana (MS).
Also on Wednesday, at 9 am, representatives of the State Superintendency in São Paulo (SES/SP) will take part in an external meeting with the municipal subadministration of Pirituba.
On Thursday (3), at 8 am, representatives from the State Superintendency in Bahia (SES/BA) will be part of the round table "Work of the Geography Bachelor," in the event that celebrates 20 years of the Bachelor's course in Geography of the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS).