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External Dialogues

IBGE carries out second day of meetings of External Dialogues in Brasília

Section: IBGE

April 25, 2024 12h49 PM | Last Updated: April 25, 2024 05h09 PM

In Brasília, Marcio Pochmann, President of the IBGE, carried out the second day of the External Dialogues meetings, part of the IBGE Dialogues 90 Years Project, with meetings to improve the institutional interaction aiming at technical cooperations with different bodies of the federal public administration.

In the morning, he met Mauro Vieira, Minister of Foreign Relations (MRE), to discuss the possibilities of an international cooperation between the Itamaraty and the IBGE, like counting Brazilians abroad, among others. At the time, Pochmann also presented the world map with Brazil in the center of the projection, part of the 9th edition of the Geographic School Atlas. “I thank you for the map, which is very important in terms of foreign policy as it highlights countries that are G20 members, as well as all the countries in which we have a diplomatic mission, which is very important for raising awareness,” stated Vieira.

The meeting between the MRE and the IBGE “was very important to improve the program of counting Brazilians abroad, developed by the IBGE, which we are supporting through our structure of consulates and embassies, a total of 220 units distributed in the entire world. It is important to raise awareness and encourage Brazilians who live outside Brazil to take part in this counting, as well as it is important for the entire Brazilian society to know as close as possible how many Brazilians live abroad,” added the minister of Foreign Relations.

Pochmann participated in the launching of the Annual Socioeconomic Report for Women (Raseam) 2024, produced by the Ministry of Women´s Brazilian Observatory of Gender Equality (OBIG). Raseam is a document that gathers analytical and descriptive data on the socioeconomic reality of Brazilian women from 2020 onwards, based on information from the IBGE and bodies like the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), Superior Electoral Court and ministries, among others.

Raseam was the result of Law no. 12,227, of April 12, 2010, by Federal Representative Luiza Erundina, who shared the roundtable with Pochmann, together with Cida Gonçalves, Minister of Women, and Luciana Servo, President of Ipea.

“The report is key and strategic, a portray of the reality of women in Brazil, with most data coming from the IBGE. The release and the partnership are important, as we had a data blackout over the last six years, and it is one of the priorities that we resumed and now release,” highlighted the minister of Women.

Then he met Paulo Teixeira, Minister of Agricultural Development and Family Farming, and his team, aiming at establishing a technical cooperation agreement to design the next Census of Agriculture.

“The IBGE is fundamental for our country, in order to produce a diagnosis of the population, territory, socioeconomic conditions, public and private equipment and Brazilian potentialities for us to design our strategies more precisely. We will work to strengthen the IBGE as a site to aggregate public data and to update the Brazilian Census of Agriculture,” stated Teixeira.

In the end of the day, Pochmann met Jorge Viana, President of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex Brazil), to establish partnerships to carry out surveys and studies to subsidize the Brazilian foreign trade policy. “I thank you for the map and the meeting, and I am looking forward to working in a cooperation agreement to subsidize the advance of the exports and the commercial development of Brazil,” highlighted Viana.

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