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2022 Census

IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition will be one of the national actions to disseminate Census of Geographic Coordinates

Section: IBGE

January 22, 2024 12h15 PM | Last Updated: January 22, 2024 03h53 PM

The state of Tocantins was selected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to be the launching pad of the Census of Geographic Coordinates of Addresses, which will be released on February 2, at 10 AM (see text here), in the city of Ponte Alta do Tocantins. The event will count with the presence of Marcio Pochmann, President of the IBGE, Wanderlei Barbosa, the State Governor, as well as IBGE´s directors and technicians and representatives from the federal, state and municipal spheres.

As part of the national actions to disseminate the Census of Geographic Coordinates of Addresses, the IBGE organizes, supported by the state government and other partners, the “IBGE  Jalapão Tocantins Expedition", which will leave on February 1st from the Girassóis Square in Palmas, capital of the state. The caravan will comprise vehicles from several public offices and entities that are partners of the IBGE in the production of indicators.

“An unprecedented release in the census operations, the release of the geographic coordinates of addresses is an advance for the visualization of the occupation of the territory, reinforcing the integration of the geographic and statistical information as well,” stated Ivone Batista, the IBGE´s Director of Geosciences.

“We are very happy and proud to contribute to this wonderful project. It is a unique opportunity to show our work, our experience, our reality and cooperate, not only as officers, but as citizens and, above all, produce a major work and celebrate the integration of our country,” declared Paulo Ricardo Amaral, the IBGE Superintendent in Tocantins.

“IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition”

The concentration will be at 2 PM in the Girassóis Square, at the Geodetic Center of Brazil monument, where the participants will receive stickers, a kit and guidelines for the expedition. The caravan will leave at 3 PM and will stop in strategic places. The first stop will be in Taquaruçu, a Palmas district, where the caravan will receive the interactive totem to access IBGE technologies, which can be handled by children, elderly persons, managers, researchers and other inhabitants interested to know Brazil through the @Cities, IBGE Educa, Sidra and Overview of the 2022 Census platforms, among others.

The second stop will be in the municipality of Santa Tereza do Tocantins. At that place, the group will meet the quilombola community of Barra do Aroeira and will carry out an activity about unprecedented information of the quilombola population, collected in the 2022 Population Census. When arriving in Ponte Alta do Tocantins around 6 PM, there will be regional presentations, as well as speeches of participating authorities.

The IBGE will release the coordinates of the addresses on February 2, at 10 AM, at the Alcides Rufo State School, in Ponte Alta do Tocantins. The 2022 Population Census was the first time that the IBGE captured the coordinates of urban households. To get geo-referenced information at the most detailed level allows the production of data aggregations in different geographic divisions, benefiting the production of statistics.

In the afternoon of February 2, an interactive totem to access IBGE technologies will also be launched at the Post Office Branch of Ponte Alta do Tocantins. Still on February 2, at 2 PM, the group will cover the Jalapão municipalities. The “IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition” ends in the morning of February 3, returning to the capital.


As part of the actions that will revive its history, the IBGE will carry out expeditions that marked an era and contributed to the knowledge and development of Brazil up to 2026, the year of the 90-year anniversary. The “IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition” will be the pilot of this major project.

Previous schedule

Before the beginning of the “IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition”, the IBGE scheduled some activities in Palmas. On January 31, from 2 to 6 PM, there will be a workshop with managers on the IBGE portal, IBGE System of Automatic Recovery (SIDRA), Environmental Information Database (BDIA), as well as a presentation of the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI). On that same day, the President will meet officers and local authorities.

The event “External Dialogs IBGE 90 Years” will be conducted on February 1st, from 9 AM to 12 PM. This initiative, which will also be launched in Tocantins, will take place in the 27 capitals, in partnership with local authorities and entities that cooperate with the IBGE in indicators, events and actions in each state. It aims at gathering important external actors for the fulfillment of the IBGE mission: public authorities (Union, states and municipalities), legislators, professional entities and those of collective representation, and students, among others.

Schedule - Census of Geographic Coordinates/IBGE Jalapão Tocantins Expedition

January 31 (Wednesday) - Palmas

2 to 6 PM - Workshop with Managers - IBGE portal, PGI, BDIA and Sidra (DGC, CDDI CCS and Superintendence team);

2:30 to 6 PM - Visit of the President of the IBGE to the IBGE headquarters in Palmas and agenda with authorities.

February 1 (Thursday) - Palmas

9 AM to 12 PM - Event “External Dialogs IBGE 90 Years” with local public authorities and collective representation;

2 PM - Concentration at Girassóis Square, Governmental Palace, distribution of stickers and kits;

3 PM - Departure of the caravan to Ponte Alta do Tocantins;

3:40 PM - Stop in the District of Taquaruçu to inaugurate the interactive totem with access to IBGE channels;

5:40 PM - Stop at the Quilombola Community of Barra da Aroeira with activity about the Quilombola Census;

7 PM - Arrival in Ponte Alta do Tocantins, speech of authorities and cultural presentation.

February 2 (Friday) - Ponte Alta do Tocantins

10 AM - Event “Geographic Coordinates of Addresses” at Alcides Rufo State School, with presence of the Governor of Tocantins and other authorities;

2 to 6 PM - Inauguration of the totem in the Post Office Branch of Ponte Alta do Tocantins and agenda with local authorities and visit to Jalapão, knowing projects and perspectives of new partnerships.

February 3 (Saturday) - Ponte Alta do Tocantins/Palmas/Rio de Janeiro

6 AM - Departure and visit to natural attractions;

9 AM - Arrival in Palmas

3 PM - Return to Rio de Janeiro

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