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2022 Census

2022 Census: IBGE releases first results on color or race in Salvador

Section: Social Statistics | Caio Belandi

December 22, 2023 06h11 PM | Last Updated: December 22, 2023 11h10 PM

The IBGE technical team speak during release event of the 2022 Census: Ethnic-racial identification of the population by sex and age - Photo: IBGE News Agency

The IBGE released today, 22, the results for the 2022 Census of ethnic-racial identification of the population by sex and age. The event was held at the Olodum House, located in Pelourinho, Salvador. Here are the main results in this release.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of important partners of the Institute, such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Ministries of Racial Equality, of Planning and of Indigenous populations, of Olodum (a Brazilian band specialized in African style music), of the Secretariat for Racial Equality Promotion and forTraditional Peoples and Communities of the State of Bahia (Sepromi), among other institutions.

The group of Olodum school opened the event with a percussion performance and then, Marcelo Gentil, president of Olodum, was the first one to speak. He recalled the process of ethnic-racial identification in previous censuses and mentioned the relevance of the IBGE to Brazil. “The IBGE produces data to help the construction, creation and execution of public policies and the annual budget of Brazil state considers data provided by the IBGE. It is a privilege for Olodum to welcome you here today,” Mr. Gentil said.

In his speech, Marcio Pochmann, president of the IBGE, also mentioned previous censuses to praise the quality of the statistical operation conducted in 2022. “What we are doing today is to reveal, from a scientific anf tecnhnical perspective, and using the best methodologies available in the worold, what the Brazilian population is. And that was only possible due to the efforts made by every IBGE servant, in spite of the difficulties we faced,” he stated.

João Vilaverde, Secretariat of Institutional Relations for the Ministry of Planning and Budget, declared this is a historical moment., declared this is a historical moment. “Every time the IBGE releases infomration, of whatever type, it is a landmark in history. Because it is when we learn more about ourselves.” Anderson Quak, head of the Social Participation and Diversity Advisory Department in the same ministry, reinforced that the event in the Olodum House was “a road paved by all those who came before us.”

Marcio Pochmann, president of the IBGE, speaks during the 2022 Census event at the Olodum House, in Salvador.
Marta Antunes, coordinator for the Census of Traditional Peoples and Communites, is interviewed at the Olodum House.
The ceremony was attended by Ângela Guimarães, secretary for Racial Equality Promotion in Bahia
Cimar Azeredo, director of Surveys for the IBGE, spoke about the importance of having the Census results released in Salvador
João Villaverde, Secretariat of Institutional Relations for the Ministry of Planning and Budget, during his speech
Iêda Leal, secretary for the national System of racial Equality Promotion, makes a speech during the ceremony in Salvador
Attendees gather at the Olodum House auditorium for the release of the 2022 Census

On behalf of the Ministry of Racial Equality, Iêda Leal, management secretary for the national System of Racial Equality Promotion, congratulated the IBGE on the ceremony and on the work conducted by the 2022 Census. “These figures will help set the tome of our work.”

Ângela Guimarães, secretary for racial Equality Promotion of the state of Bahia, spoke about the event as a “symbolic moment” rand mentioned the results released on indigenous peoples and quilombolas, in August. “We need to value Census data for what they offer: they are central, valuable. They validate and are important to guide public policies needed by all areas of the government.”

Release by color or race was the fifth one of the 2022 Census

Besides the analyses by color or race of the 2022 Census, the IBGE also released today the update of data from the releases “Quilombolas: First Results of the Universe” and “Indigenous Peoples: First Results of the Universe.” This update was possible after the second data release from the 2022 Population Census, with the inclusion of revision of field work and other adjustments made by the Institute between May 29 and July 07, 2023.

This is the fifth release of Census results in 2023. The first results were made available on June 28, at Museu do Amanhã (Tomorrow Museum), in Rio de Janeiro, when Brazil got to know how many we are in the country. A month later, at the headquarter of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), in Brasília, the IBGE released the first results on the quilombola population in Brazil. On August 7, data on indigenous populations were released at Teatro da Paz (Peace Theater), in Belém. The latest release of 2022 Census results occurred on October 27, with data by age and sex, in an event held at the IBGE’s Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), Rio de Janeiro.

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