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Decent work

IBGE and ILO renew technical cooperation agreement on employment, social protection and labor rights

Section: IBGE

July 26, 2023 06h15 PM | Last Updated: July 27, 2023 05h00 PM

The initiative is intended to promote the decent work agenda between the two institutions - Photo: ILO

The IBGE and the International Labour Organization (ILO) signed, on Tuesday (25), a new technical cooperation agreement to reinforce research, knowledge interchange and technical cooperation in the fields of employment, social protection and labor rights. The new initiative is based on the promotion of the ILO decent work agenda.

“The technical cooperation agreement between ILO and IBGE represents a fruitful work relation that with more than 30 years of existence and celebrates one more step in the production of statistical indicators on labor and decent work, such as child labor, new forms of participation in the work world, and labor informality,” says the acting president of the IBGE, Cimar Azeredo.

“The IBGE is an international reference in production of statistical data, and this agreement will help us cast light on structural problems in the labor market, and also to go beyond that by analyzing new trends in the labor market,” says the director of the ILO Office for Brazil, Vinícius Pinheiro. “We will repeat our internationally acknowledged experience in the construction and analysis of decent work indicators for the 5,500 plus Brazilian municipalities , based on the 2022 Census.”.

More about the agreement:

The cooperation agreement includes the following activities shared between IBGE and ILO:

  • Consolidation of the production and dissemination of indicators on decent work, by geographic level within the National Statistical System;
  • Production of labor and decent work statistics to support policies, programs and response actions aiming at post-pandemic recovery;
  • Monitoring of the labor market at national, state and municipal level;
  • Expanded dissemination of Brazilian statistical data on the work world at international level, including ILO’s International Conferences of Labour Statisticians (ICLS);
  • Promotion of technical cooperation in order to guarantee the implementation of new international recommendations in labor statistics produced by the ICLS;
  • Establishment of technical interchange to foster dissemination of the 2022 Population Census results;
  • Construction of indicators to monitor the implementation of the 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This initiative is intended to be a contribution so that Brazil can fulfill (Sustainable Development Objective (SDO) 8 (Decent work and Economic growth) of the 2030 Agenda.

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