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Censo 2022

IBGE and Pereira Passos Institute get together to improve Census coverage in Rio's favelas

Section: IBGE | Caio Belandi

March 16, 2023 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 20, 2023 12h49 PM

Near 9% of the households in Rio's favelas have not yet answered the Census - Photo: IBGE Collection

The IBGE entered into a partnership with the Pereira Passos Institute (IPP), a research body of the City of Rio de Janeiro, aiming to reduce the percentage of households that did not answer the Census in subnormal agglomerates of the city, which is around 9%. The partnership involves hiring former agents of Social Territories, a City Hall program with the UN-Habitat, in which household surveys are carried out in large favelas in Rio, such as Rocinha and Maré.

This week (March 14th and 15th), new enumerators were trained at the headquarters of the municipal institute, in the neighborhood of Laranjeiras, in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. Today (March 16th), they are going to the field for the last phase of the census operation, the Data Processing Phase, which comprises the work of  Data Analysis, and, in this case, the search for residents who were absent at the time of the previous visits or who refused to answer the questionnaire.

On the first day of training, IBGE instructors explained the concepts of the Population Census and data collection strategies, such as reconnaissance of the enumeration area, analysis and observation of addresses and confirmation of coordinates. Guidance was also passed on regarding hiring and pay. On the following day, the new enumerators got to know the Mobile Collection Device - DMC and simulated collection with the equipment.

Read more: IBGE is prepared for challenge of enumerating subnormal agglomerates

Former agents of the Pereira Passos Institute were trained to complete the Census in Rio's favelas - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency

The Census state training coordinator in Rio de Janeiro, Ms. Maria Bernadete de Almeida Sanches, highlighted the experience of former IPP agents in approaching the population of the communities. For Ms. Sanches, this prior knowledge of the task even made training easier and more concise. “The partnership was a brilliant idea because they already know about field work in the communities and we need to finish the census operation in some favelas”, she says. Another fundamental point for the success of the initiative is that the new enumerators will work in places they are familiar with, including the places where they live. “They already know the daily situations, the routine, the more convenient days and times to visit the households, the dressing code, among other issues”, completes Ms. Sanches.

For the head of the IBGE Social Territories Sector, Mr. Jaison Luiz Cervi, the partnership takes place at a crucial moment in the operation. “This chance to have specialized labor force to work in subnormal agglomerates, especially where there is refusal, will certainly be very valuable for the IBGE to be able to finish the Census in the indicated communities”, he celebrates.

The president of the IPP, Mr. Carlos Krykhtine, stresses that the two institutions have a history of mutual support. He also highlights the importance of Population Census data for the institute's work in municipal research. “We have always been partners. We have worked with the IBGE cartography to make the city's favelas as compatible as possible, for example. It is important to help the Census, because we need qualitative and quantitative data, well organized and well structured, because these Census data will support us in research and in municipal public policies, mainly in the favelas”, he concludes.

First Census results will be released at the end of April

In February, the IBGE completed the Census household collection. As a whole, 189,261,144 people were registered (91%), taking into account the population estimate released on December 28, 2022. On March 1, the Data Processing Stage began. The disclosure of the first results of the Census is scheduled for the end of April.

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