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Continuous PNAD

Unemployment drops in 22 states in Q2 2022

Section: Social Statistics | Caio Belandi

August 12, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 12, 2022 03h12 PM

#PraCegoVer A foto mostra muitas pessoas atravessando a rua na faixa de pedestre.
Unemployment drops in 22 states in the second quarter of 2022 - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency

The unemployment rate dropped in 22 Federation Units in the second quarter of 2022 against the previous quarter, reflecting the widespread reduction of the national index from 11.1% to 9.3% in the period. Other five states remained stable. These data are from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), released today (12) by the IBGE. In the annual comparison with the second quarter of 2021, all the 27 FUs had a significant drop in their unemployment rates.

The state of Tocantins registered the biggest retreat between the first and second quarter: less 3.8 percentage points (p.p.), followed by Pernambuco (3.5 p.p.). Alagoas, Pará, Piauí and Acre also stood out, with drops of nearly 3 p.p. in the four states.


The Major Regions recorded a reduction in the rate between the first and second quarters, with the Northeast reporting the highest unemployment rate: 12.7%. That region also has the three states with the highest unemployment indexes: Bahia (15.5%), Pernambuco (13.6%) and Sergipe (12.7%). The lowest rates were reported in Santa Catarina (3.9%), Mato Grosso (4.4%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (5.2%). The Federal District, Amapá, Ceará, Mato Grosso and Rondônia remained stable.

The Quarterly Continuous PNAD shows that 73.3% of those employed in the private sector had a formal contract in the second quarter of 2022, highlighted by Santa Catarina (87.4%), São Paulo (81.0%) and Paraná (80.9%). Piauí (46.6%), Maranhão (47.8%) and Pará (51.0%) were in the lowest part of the ranking.

Unemployment among women and black and brown persons remains above the national average

The Quarterly Continuous PNAD also shows that, while the unemployment rates of white persons (7.3%) and of men (7.5%) stood below the national average (9.3%), those of women (11.6%), black persons (11.3%) and brown persons (10.8%) remained higher in the second quarter this year.

Adriana Beringuy, IBGE´s coordinator of Labor and Income, considers that the distance between men and women is still large, despite the widespread drop in the unemployment rate. “The drop was bigger among women (2.2 p.p. against 1.6 p.p. of men), though it was not sufficient to decrease the distance between them. The women´s rate is 54.7% higher than men´s,” states her.

The widespread retreat in the unemployment rate also hit the color or race division. “Yet, the rate of black and brown persons in relation to white persons increased,” explains Beringuy.

In the age division, the unemployment rate of youngsters aged between 18 and 24 years retreated. It was 22.8% in the first quarter and changed to 19.3% in the second quarter. “That was the age range that mostly dropped. Yet, it is still a very high rate, quite above the average,” says her.

Earnings dropped in the South, Southeast and Northeast in the annual comparison

In the second quarter this year, the monthly average earnings received by workers was estimated at R$2,652, remaining stable when compared with the first quarter of 2022 (R$2,625). However, that value is 5.1% lower than that received in the second quarter of 2021 (R$2,794).

Comparing with the previous quarter, all the regions remained stable. In the annual comparison, the Northeast, South and Southeast dropped.

More about the survey

The Continuous PNAD is the main instrument to monitor workforce in Brazil. The survey sample per quarter corresponds to 211 thousand households surveyed in Brazil. Nearly two thousand interviewers work in the survey in 26 states and in the Federal District, integrated to the data collection network of more than 500 IBGE branches.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the IBGE implemented data collection by telephone on March 17, 2020. The id of the interviewers can be confirmed at the Answering the IBGE website or through the Call Center (0800 7218181) by checking their ID numbers, which can be requested by the informants. See PNAD data at Sidra.

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