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2022 Census

More than 620 thousand candidates will make test next Sunday to work in Census

Section: IBGE | Alerrandre Barros

April 04, 2022 10h00 AM | Last Updated: April 04, 2022 12h49 PM

  • Highlights

  • Tests will be applied in the morning for candidates of enumerator and, in the afternoon, for census agents.
  • Card with test venue will be available on the FGV website.
  • Preliminary results will be released one day after the tests on the FGV webiste. The final result is scheduled for May 20.
  • IBGE offers 183,021 vacancies for enumerator, 18,420 for supervisor census agents (ACSs) and 5,450 for municipal census agents (ACMs). Data collection begins on August 1st.
IBGE offers more than 206 thousand vacancies for enumerator and census agent - Photo: IBGE Archive

The tests of the simplified selection process (PSS) of the 2022 Population Census will be applied next Sunday (10). The candidates for the vacancy of enumerator will make the test in the morning. The candidates for municipal census agent (ACM) and supervisor census agent (ACS) will do it in the afternoon. The enrollment card including the venue of the test will be available for consultation on the website of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the company in charge of the organization.

Of the 1.1 million persons enrolled in the selection process, 621,228 had their enrollment confirmed, either paying the rate or receiving exemption, of which 349,437 are candidates for enumerator and 271,791, candidates for ACM/ACS. On March 16, the FGV released the amount of enrolled persons per test venue and the list of candidates per vacancy in each locality. The vacancies are distributed along 5,297 Brazilian municipalities.

In the day of the test, candidates should take the proof of enrollment, a photo id and a ball-point pen, either black or blue, manufactured with a transparent material. The IBGE recommends that the candidates know the venue in advance and arrive at least one hour before the beginning of the test.

Candidates should follow the health protocols against Covid-19 established in each municipality and informed in the enrollment card. Candidates who do not comply with the guidelines described in the public notice will be eliminated from the selection process.

The test for enumerators will be applied at 9 AM (Brasília time) and will last three hours. The candidates will take a 50-question objective test, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Mathematics, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service and 25 questions of Technical Expertise.

The candidates for ACM and ACS will make the tests in the afternoon. They will be applied at 2:30 PM (Brasília time) and will last three hours and half. The test will have 60 questions, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Quantitative Logical Thinking, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service, 15 questions of Notions of Administration / Managerial Situations and 20 questions of Technical Expertise.

“The content of the test is described in the public notice. The IBGE has also released a workbook of technical knowledge, so candidates have access to information required to answer the questions about the census operation. The workbook and the IBGE´s Ethics Code are available on the FGV website.

Preliminary results will be released one day after the application of the tests, April 11, on the FGV website. The final result is scheduled for May 20.

They are more than 206 thousand vacancies. Enrollment finished in January

The IBGE will select 206,891 temporary servants for the Census, being 183,021 for enumerator, 18,420 for supervisor census agent (ACS) and 5,450 for municipal census agent (ACM). The vacancies are distributed along 5,297 Brazilian municipalities.

The IBGE´s enumerators work directly in the information collection, interviewing residents of households. ACMs manage the work in data collection stations, whereas ACSs, subordinate to the ACMs, have as major role guiding the enumerators during the field work.

Enrollment for this selection process was carried out between December 15 and January 21 on the FGV website. The candidates were allowed to pay the enrollment rate (R$57.50 for enumerator and R$60.50 for census agent) up to February 16. Low-income candidates enrolled in CadÚnico and donors of bone marrow were allowed to request rate exemption.

Candidates for the position of enumerator should have completed primary education. The professionals earn according to their production. Click here to simulate the compensation of enumerators. ACSs and ACMs should have completed secondary education. The salaries are R$1,700 and R$2,100, respectively.

The vacancies of census agents had a single enrollment. The ACM vacancies will be offered to the candidates with the best classification in the test. The other will compete for the ACS vacancies, according to the classification order. Candidates can apply for both selection processes, since the tests for enumerators will be carried out in the morning and those for census agents, in the afternoon. Candidates were allowed to select the area they want to work during enrollment.

IBGE will visit more than 70 million households in 2022

From August 1st onwards, more than 213 million inhabitants, in more than 70 million households, will be visited by enumerators in the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities. The Census will unveil the characteristics of households, ethnic-racial identification, nuptiality, family core, fertility, religion or cult, disability, internal or international migration, education, commuting for study, labor and income, commuting for work, mortality and autism. Carried out every ten years, the survey is the major source of reference for the knowledge of life conditions of the population in all the Brazilian municipalities.

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