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Simplified Selection Process

IBGE opens more than 204 thousand temporary positions for 2021 Census

Section: IBGE | Alerrandre Barros

February 18, 2021 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 18, 2021 05h00 PM

  • Highlights

  • There are 181,898 positions for enumerator, 16,959 for supervisor census agent (ACS) and 5,450 for municipal census agent (ACM).
  • The opportunities are for nearly all the Brazilian municipalities.
  • Enrollment for ACM e ACS is from February 19 to March 15, and for enumerator, from February 23 to March 19 at the Cebraspe website.
  • To enroll as enumerator, candidates should have completed primary education, and for ACM and ACS, they should haver completed secondary education.
  • Compensation is R$2,100 for ACMs and R$1,700 for ACSs. Enumerators earn per productivity.
  • Enrollment rate for ACM and ACS functions is R$39.49 and for enumerators, R$25.77. Rates can be paid through the Internet or in any bank.
  • Objective tests will be applied face to face on April 18 for ACMs and ACSs, and on April 25 for enumerators, following the health protocols to prevent Covid-19.
  • Final result will be released on May 27.

The IBGE published today (18) two call notices to temporarily hire 204,307 people to work in the organization and data collection of the 2021 Population Census. 181,898 positions are offered for enumerators, 16,959 for Supervisor Census Agents - ACSs and 5,450 for Municipal Census Agents - ACMs in 5,297 municipalities in Brazil. The charts with the distribution of positions are available at the Cebraspe website, the company in charge of the selection processes. 

Enrollment for ACMs and ACSs begin next Friday (19) and close on March 15. For enumerators, enrollment will be carried out between February 23 and March 19. To enroll for enumerator, the candidates should have completed the primary education; for ACMs and ACSs, they should have completed the secondary education. When enrolling, candidates will choose the work area and in which city they will do the tests. The enrollment rate (R$39.49 for ACMs and ACSs and R$25.77 for enumerators) can be paid through the Internet or in any bank or lottery retailer.  

The positions are temporary and the contracts are scheduled to last three months for enumerators or five months for ACMs and ACSs, and can be renewed according to the IBGE needs and budget availability. The temporary hiring is ruled by Law no. 8,745/1993.

Enumerators will simulate compensation

Enumerators are the professionals who will visit all the households in Brazil, interviewing their residents. They will be paid per productivity, according to the amount of households visited and persons enumerated, also taking into account the compensation rate of each enumeration area, type of questionnaire filled (either basic or sample) and registration in the data collection control.

The 2021 Census hot site will provide a simulator where the candidates can check the compensation to be obtained, based on the values paid per enumeration area in different localities in Brazil. The work hours recommended for enumerators is, at least, 25 weekly hours.

Salary for census agents varies between R$1,700 and R$2,100.

5,450 positions are offered for ACMs and 16,959 for ACSs These two functions are in the same selection process, which requires complete secondary education.

For the secondary education positions, those best ranked in each municipality will be selected as ACMs, who will be responsible for coordinating the data collection of the 2021 Census in that city. On the other hand, ACSs monitor enumerator teams. The compensations for these two functions are R$2,100 for ACMs and R$1,700 for ACSs, working 40 weekly hours or eight daily hours.

In addition to the salary, ACMs and ACSs will receive proportional food aid, transportation aid, preschool aid, vacation and 13th salary, according to the legislation in force and to the call notice.

Enumerators will register the information collected in the 2021 Census in Mobile Data Collection Devices - DMCs - Photo: Simone Mello/IBGE News Agency

It is recommended that enumerators live close to where they will work.

The positions of the two selection processes are distributed along 5,297 municipalities from all the Brazilian states. The positions are offered per specific work areas in the larger municipalities and in remote regions. Such areas can encompass, for example, neighborhoods, slums, difficult-to-reach localities, indigenous villages or quilombola communities. In order to save commuting costs and provide more productivity in the household visits, it is recommended that the enumerators approved in the selection process are residents of the localities where they will work.

With different dates, candidates can take part in both selection processes

Tests will take place in all the municipalities with job positions. They will be applied on April 18 for ACMs and ACSs, and on April 25 for enumerators. The difference in the dates allows a candidate to take part in both selection processes. The detailed schedule of both selection processes is available in the call notices.

The candidates for ACM and ACS will take an objective test, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Quantitative Logical Thinking, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service, 15 questions of Notions of Administration / Managerial Situations and 20 questions of Technical Expertise. The program content is available in the call notice.

The candidates for enumerator will take an objective test, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Mathematics, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service and 25 questions of Technical Expertise. The content is also in the call notice.

The tests for ACM, ACS and enumerator will last four hours and they will take place in the afternoon. The preliminary results will be released at 7 PM one day after the tests at the Cebraspe website. The final result is scheduled for May 27.

Health protocols against Covid-19 in the test days

In the test day, candidates should carry a transparent black ballpoint pen, proof of enrollment and original ID with a photo. Health protocols to prevent against Covid-19 will be released in details in a specific call notice on the test sites. They will require the mandatory use of masks, a safe distancing between candidates and test monitors, availability of alcohol gel in every test site, measures to avoid crowding and respect to local legislation. Candidates who disobey the protection measures will be eliminated from the selection process and they will have their tests canceled.

Training for enumerators will be eliminatory

In addition to the test, enumerators will receive a face-to-face and distance training, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, lasting five days with eight daily hours. The face-to-face part will also adopt health protocols against the Covid-19.

Candidates who attend at least 80% of the training load will receive an allowance. The will be hired right after that. The fieldwork of the 2021 Census will begin in August.

Postponement of the 2020 Census and cancellation of the selection

As the Census was postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the selection processes for ACMs, ACSs and enumerators open in 2020 were canceled. Those who enrolled last year are not guaranteed in the selection processes this year. They should enroll again and pay the rate to guarantee the participation in the new selection.

Since May last year, those enrolled in the canceled selection can request the reimbursement of the enrollment rate through the IBGE Call Center or through telephone 0800 721 8181. The call is free. They should inform the name and CPF in order to confirm the registration and bank data (bank, bank branch and account number) to receive the amount. In January, the IBGE began the third phase of reimbursement of the enrollment rate.

2021 Census will visit all the Brazilian municipalities

Between August and October this year, nearly 213 million inhabitants in nearly 71 million addresses will be visited by the enumerators in the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities. Among other information, the survey will unveil the characteristics of the housing units, ethnic-racial identification, nuptiality, household core, fertility, religion or cult, disability, domestic or international migration, education, school commuting, labor and income, work commuting, mortality and autism. Carried out every ten years, the Population Census is the major reference source to understand the life conditions of the population in all the Brazilian municipalities.

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