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Regional industry

Industrial production increases in eight of the 15 areas surveyed in October

Section: Economic Statistics | Caio Belandi

December 09, 2020 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 09, 2020 01h13 PM

Industry in the state of Paraná grew 3.4%, the main contribution to the national figure - Photo: José Fernando Ogura/AEN

Industry in Brazil increased in eight of the 15 areas surveyed, according to the Monthly Survey of Industry – Regional Production (Regional PIM), from September of October. The result, released today (9) by the IBGE, also shows that nine areas managed to surpass pre-pandemic levels: Amazonas, Santa Catarina, Ceará, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco, Pará and Rio Grande do Sul.

The main contribution to the national result in October came from Paraná, with an increase of 3.4%. That is the sixth positive rate in a row for industry in the state, which has a cumulative increase of 51.5% in the period. “Mainly due to the expansion of the machinery and equipment segment, which is very consolidated in that Federation Unit,” says the survey manager Bernardo Almeida.

Pernambuco (2,9%) and Santa Catarina (2.8%) also recorded significant increases. In the former, industry advanced after registering decreases in August (-3.0%) and September (-1.1%).In Santa Catarina, the sector has a cumulative increase of 52.4% for May-October 2020. Northeast Region (1.7%) also had a rate above the national average (1.1%).

The states of Mato Grosso (1.1%), Ceará (0.5%), São Paulo (0.5%) and Minas Gerais (0.4%) complete the list of areas with increase of industry output in October, the main highlights being São Paulo, which, despite the lower increase compared to other areas, accounted for the second biggest contribution, due to the size of its industrial park.

“This month, the main contribution to industry in São Paulo came from Other transportation equipment, mainly railroad vehicles, due to the manufacture of train coaches,” says Almeida. A traditional segment in that state industry, vehicles also contributed to the positive rate, Mr. Almeida recalls. The state registered its sixth rate in a row, with a cumulative 47% in the period, and is 5.3% above pre-pandemic figures of February.


Rio de Janeiro and Goiás lead decline

Among areas with falling results, Rio de Janeiro (-3.9%) and Goiás (-3.2%) had the main decreases. That is the second month with drops in output in both states, which have cumulative losses in the period of 7.8% and 3.3%, respectively.

Decline of the petroleum products segment, an influential one on the industry of Rio de Janeiro, is one of the main segments in terms of state results. Industry output in Goiás recorded its worst decrease since November 2019 (-6.4%), pushed by the fall of the index in food industry, a very important one there. “The segment of petroleum products and biofuels has also accounted for negative results in Goiás,” Mr. Almeida says.

Espírito Santo (-1.8%), Pará (-1.8%), Amazonas (-1.1%) and Bahia (-0.1%) were other areas with negative figures in the October/September comparison. Rio Grande do Sul remained at the same production level as in September (0.0%).

October 2020/October 2019 comparison shows output increase in 9 of the 15 areas

In the comparison between October and October a year ago, industrial production, with an increase of 0.3%, grew in nine of the 15 areas surveyed, although October 2020 had 21 business days, two less than a year ago.

The states of Mato Grosso (1.1%), Ceará (0.5%), São Paulo (0.5%) and Minas Gerais (0.4%) complete the list of areas with increase of industry output in October, the main highlights being São Paulo, which, despite the lower increase compared to other areas, accounted for the second biggest contribution, due to the size of its industrial park.

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