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In 2020

Lenses.doc starts with multimedia production and celebrates 40 years of the IPCA

Section: IBGE | Marília Loschi | Design: Jessica Cândido

January 09, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: January 09, 2020 05h55 PM

Multimedia news report, with an integrated content and navigation by means of several Internet resources. Lenses.doc is the audiovisual language that now, in January 2020, finds its place in the IBGE News Agency. The channel, aimed at a deeper investigation of topics related to the IBGE’s work, was named after the idea of bringing different “lenses” together: the camera, videos, the cell phone and the very eyes of persons in search of information.

Lenses.doc is a platform where we deal with a team with different views. No matter if it is a text, a video, a graph, a work of art, each element can be seen in an independent way, because each one contains complete information. They are independent and complementary material,” says the content editor, Mônica Marli.  

Now in January, the IPCA – official inflation index of Brazil, calculated by the IBGE – celebrates its 40th year of existence. Nothing would be more appropriate than choosing it for the first issue of Lenses.doc, with texts, animations, a graph and videos telling the story of inflation, explaining the IPCA and how the IBGE produces the index which will be released tomorrow, at 9 am, with results of 2019.


The team interviewed the economics professor Luiz Roberto Azevedo Cunha, who recalls times of hyperinflation in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and persons who faced that period in different ways: housewives, “overnight” investors, and youths who remember the financial squeeze at the time, although they were then too young to know what that was all about.

“We also talked to the IBGE technicians to know how the Institute started the production of price indexes and to show how it is calculated. We also talked about economic plans, currency is a historical and clarifying news report,” Ms. Marli adds.

Knowing what it is about

A light tone, in a platform that is easy to read and navigate is part of the Lenses.doc language. The project team says they delved into the theme so as to see it in the final product. According to Jessica Cândido, designer in charge of the visual project, functionality walks hand in hand with learning about a topic. Besides coming up with a logo, she took part in image capturing and video editing for this issue.

“Editing the videos is the hardest part. I need to understand what I am doing so that I can properly show it to the audience,” Jessica says. “I’m an expert on indexing and never thought I could learn so much.”

Producer Carlos Alberto Guimarães was in charge of organizing all the logistics of interviews, photographs and films. “The better the production, the more invisible my work becomes. The objective is to find the character and get them to be at the expected location at the right time, so that the reporter and the camera operator can do their job”, says Mr. Guimarães as he recalls his work as a radio producer.

He valued the work process, during which team member had the chance of performing different tasks. “There were moments when I myself had to be the reporter, asking questions, in full interaction. The idea is that everyone could learn from their tasks, but without a specific position.

Multimedia for multiusers

“Not everyone is patient enough for a video 30 minutes long”, teases Mônica. Daí a importância de um produto que leve a uma navegação atraente, para diversos tipos de interesse e possibilidades.

She says that Lenses.doc is close to the concept of a webdoc. “We are used to documentaries in video, but the idea of a webdoc is to use Internet language and resources to create a multimedia product.”

Mônica recalls that, when the IBGE News Agency started, it was intended to be a multimedia one. The different sectors of the Agency deal with news, releases, the “Retratos” Magazine collection, “Minute IBGE”, links for social media and support material for releases (presentations, photos, audio and video content from press conferences). “With Lenses.doc, we intend to provide exclusive content in a single platform, also encompassing other products that the agency has produced.” 

Keywords: Lentes.doc, Multimídia, IPCA, Inflação, 40 anos, IBGE, 2020.

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