IBGE´s Geographical Chart of Reference has new page
January 17, 2025 10h00 AM | Last Updated: January 21, 2025 10h12 AM
- The IBGE released a new tool to streamline the access to geographies that comprise the Geographical Chart of Reference for the Production, Analysis and Dissemination of Statistics.
- The new page allows to look for a geography by name and reference year, obtain its definition, access its metadata, view it on the Interactive Geographical Platform, check statistical tables and download it in different formats.
- The IBGE also released a video tutorial on how to use the tool.

A new tool to streamline the access to geographies of the Geographical Chart of Reference for the Production, Analysis and Dissemination of Statistics is already available on the IBGE portal. In the new page, users can easily look for a geography of their interest by name or reference year, obtain its definition, access its metadata, view it on the Interactive Geographical Platform and check which statistical tables have results for this geography, as well as download it in different formats.
The Geographical Chart of Reference is a full set of different geographies that allows the integration of geospatial and statistical information. Among them are important geographies like Municipalities, Legal Amazon, Urban Concentrations and Biomes.
Rafael Damiati, Head of the Geographical Chart Sector, explained that "the new interface makes the access to geographies of the Geographical Chart more intuitive, improving the experience of users. The list of geographies was organized to show the most recent version at first, though it assures simplified access to previous versions on a single page."
Users can download several geographies in a batch, choosing among the SHP, KML, PNG, CSV and GJSON formats, or even obtain the link to the geo-service that will allow to consume the geography in geo-processing applications that support geo-services in the OGC standard. By accessing previous versions of geographies, the tool also helps to understand its evolution process.
For expert users, a SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) file is available, streamlining the symbolization of the downloaded vectors. With the new tool, geo-processing users can easily use legal and institutional geographies, enhancing their statistical analyses.
"Two new features are available as well. Now it is possible to filter out geographies and simultaneously download data from different geographies," pointed out Rafael Damiati.
“The motivations to produce the IBGE´s Geographical Chart of Reference are aligned with the United Nations initiative that fostered the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF), a method of geo-spatialization of statistics and administrative data in order to assure that data from multiple sources can be integrated based on their geographical localization, as well with other geospatial information," highlighted Mauricio Silva, Geographer of the Department of Production Integration of the Directorate of Geosciences.
The IBGE released a video tutorial on how to access the platform. Click here to access it.