IBGE Schedule
IBGE Schedule: Check the activities calendar for September 16-20
September 16, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 16, 2024 09h00 AM

Released today (16), the IBGE Schedule brings the schedule for the week September 16 and 20. This edition includes internal and external meetings, as well as events and appointments from several IBGE areas, from the Presidency, Directorates and Advisories, State Superintendencies to the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).
The IBGE weekly schedule has been published every Monday at 9am since January 29. Check the complete list for this week on the IBGE Schedule.
On Monday (16), at 3:30 pm, the President of the IBGE and the President of the Institute for applied Economic Research (IPEA) participate in a ceremony to celebrate the first anniversary of the Partner Program for Planned Integrity between the Institutes and the Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO).
On Tuesday (17), at 9h, representatives of the Presidency participated in the first inter ministry meeting of South American integration. At 2 pm, they will meet with representatives of Banco do Brasil. And, at 5 pm, a team from the Presidency will participate in a meeting with the 2030 monitoring team.
On Wednesday (18), at 9 am, a team from the Presidency will meet with the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS).
On Thursday (19), at 9 am, representatives of the Presidency will participate in a videoconference of the Technical Committee of the Project Reference Centers in Africa.
On Thursday (19), at 9 am, representatives of the Presidency will participate in a videoconference of the Technical Committee of the Project Reference Centers in Africa.
On Friday (20), at 10 am, representatives of the presidency will participate in the online meeting of the Advisory Council for the Census of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture.
Directorates and Advisories
On Monday (16), at 9 am, a team from the Executive Directorate (DE) will participate in the National Meeting of Researchers in Administration (ENANPAD). At the same time, representatives of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) will participate in a presentation for the Ministry of Management and innovation (MGI). At 10 am, representatives of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) present proposals for changes in the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-Subclasses). At 2:30 pm, a team from ENCE will participate in a biweekly meeting with research groups on statistical literacy, representatives of Federal Fluminense University (UFF) and the Federal university of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
Also on Monday, at 3 pm, representatives of ENCE will participate in a meeting of the Project Climate Change Indicators using Artificial Intelligence. Throughout the day, representatives of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will present the seminar “Distribution accounts: challenges, progress and paths to follow.” On the same day, representatives of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) will participate in a workshop about collection of geographic names.
On Tuesday (17), at 9 am, a team from ENCE will participate in a round table of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration (Anpad). Throughout the day, a team from DGC will participate in the Ordinary Session of the Working Groups on Marine GDP, about deliberations on the concept of Marine Economics. On the same day, representatives of ENCE will join the International Total Survey Error Workshop, at George Washington University, in Washington, USA.
On Wednesday (18), throughout the day, representatives of DPE will participate in a meeting with the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB), about tax burden on National Accounts products and the project “Tax Gap-IBGE". A team from DGC participates in a workshop for state contributions to the Strategy and National Plans of Action for Biodiversity (EPANB), expected to last all day long. Also on Wednesday, at 9 am, a team from ENCE will participate in an online meeting of experts on Information and Communication Technology (TIC) for Kids.
On Thursday (19), at 9 am, representatives of DGC will participate in a meeting of the Division of Portuguese Speaking Countries in the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names. At 10 am, a team from ENCE will join a seminar promoted by the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) Publishing House. At 2 pm, representatives of the Directorate of Surveys will meet with representatives of the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC) about Persons with Disabilities in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF) by means of amendment.
On Friday (20), at 9 am, a team from ENCE will participate in an online meeting of the Center for Public Policies Studies (Nepp) from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). At 10:30 am, a team from DPE will join a meeting with the management team of the UN task team on scanner data. At 11 am, a team from the Directorate of Geosciences will participate in a meeting with representatives of the EG-ISGI.
State Superintendencies
On Monday (16), during the entire day, representatives of the IBGE State Superintendence in Paraná (SES/PR) will give a lecture about the Institute for Journalism students and professor at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG).
On Tuesday (17), at 7 pm, representatives of the IBGE State Superintendency in Mato Grosso do Sul (SES/MS) will give a lecture to Geography students at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS).
On Wednesday (18), at 7:30 am, representatives of the IBGE State Superintendency in Amapá (SES/AP) will give a lecture about the work of the IBGE in primary school classes at the Francisco de Oliveira Filho State School, at the Anauerapucu District, in Santana (AP). Throughout the day, a team from the IBGE State Superintendency in São Paulo (SES/SP) will participate in the International Agribusiness Technology Fair - AGROTECH, at Burle Marx Park (City Park) in São José dos Campos, São Paulo (SP).
On Thursday (19), at 9am, representatives of SES AP will give a lecture about the work of the IBGE to the academic community of the Geography major at the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP). At 8 pm, representatives of SES SP will participate in an interview at a radio station - Rádio Família FM de Viradouro – SP (Bebedouro Branch).
Throughout the week, a team from the IBGE State Superintendence in Amapá (SES/AP) will provide support to Geodesy technicians who will be working on the maintenance of the Permanent Tide Gauge Network (RMPG), at the port of Companhia Docas de Santana (CDSA).