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Partnership between Sudene and IBGE enables the creation of center for regional data about the Northeast Region

Section: IBGE

July 29, 2024 04h38 PM | Last Updated: July 29, 2024 10h02 PM

Less than two months after the signature of a technical cooperation agreement between the Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast, (Sudene) and the IBGE, a first product comes out. The institutions have announced today (29) the launch of Casa Brasil Nordeste, an initiative that will present, in physical and digital formats, a collection of regionalized information on topics of public interests such as economics, society and the environment. The center will also provide Sudene with data and indicators about the Major Region for the planning of public policies and to support the production segment. That is the first expansion of the Casa Brasil IBGE project, launched in May by the Institute.

“Historically, Sudene is a reference about the aspects of the economy, society and the environment of the Northeast. The launch of Casa Brasil Nordeste recovers this legacy. First, because it brings us closer to society, and they will better understand the impact of our work on social and economic indicators. Secondly, it recovers a tradition by Sudene to produce analyses about these aspects, which can be used to account for our investments, improve management and attract investors,” said the superintendent of Sudene, Danilo Cabral.

“We need to have a new look at the Northeast, and understand this major region has a proper environment to foster the growth of Brazil and, based on that, overcome the social challenges that still remain. Casa Brasil IBGE Nordeste emerges from the partnership between the IBGE and Sudene, as a concrete initiative to make available georeferenced information aimed at the Northeast Region of Brazil, and that means an important step in the availability of regional data that enable the evaluation of public policies,” says the president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann.

At first, Casa Brasil Nordeste will be launched in digital version, encompassing information about nine IBGE macro areas. The content curators will be a multi-skilled group formed by specialists of both institutions, which includes geographers, statisticians, economists and information architects. The public will have the opportunity to access maps, research and socioeconomic indicators Applied to the territory of the Sudene area of activity. It will also be possible to produce and download reports with the information.

The information center will also have an open room for visitors, located in the headquarters of Sudene, in the neighborhood of Boa Viagem. The facility will have information stands for the display of content, which provides the audience with a multimedia experience into relevant data for the understanding of social and economic dynamics and of the environmental singularities that characterize the region. A highlight will be the potential that turns the Northeast into a territory of opportunities to turn Brazil into a successful reference in bio economics, neo industrialization and other agendas.


On Thursday (30), from 2 to 5 pm, Sudene coordinates Working Group 8 (GT) - "Opportunities for the Northeast in the Digital Era" -, as part of the activities in the National Conference of Data Producers and Users, organized by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The objective of the Working Group is to debate the importance of surveys and actions in the Northeast, in different segments, aiming at the promotion of regional development, considering innovation and technology in governance and in the role of institutions before social, environmental and economic challenges.

WG 8 will gather Tânia Bacelar (Economic Consultancy and Planning - Ceplan), Alfredo José Pessoa de Oliveira (Economic Research and Strategy Institute of Ceará - IPECE), Ana Cristina de Almeida Fernandes (Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE) and Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi (National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE).


Sudene is a federal institution within the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development. It is responsible for the elaboration of regional public policies, considering the particularities of the territory under influence of the institution’s work, formed by 11 states and amounting to 2,074 municipalities. The proposals of the Superintendence have been compiled into the Regional Plan for Development of the Northeast (PRDNE), which brings together strategies to strengthen the economic vocation and overcome, in an innovative and environmentally sustainable way, the challenges that still remain in this territory.

The Superintendence also has fiscal devices to foster the productive sector. The assortment of solutions proposed by Sudene for this public includes funding lines with competitive interest rates by means of the Brazilian Constitutional Financing Fund (FDNE) and the Northeast Development Fund (FNE) for all kinds of enterprises. Sudene has an incentive program aimed at enterprises installed in the institution, thus bringing new resources for investments by means of income tax deductions.


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