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Casa Brasil IBGE

IBGE launches digital version of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil at Casa Brasil IBGE

Section: IBGE | Breno Siqueira

June 26, 2024 05h13 PM | Last Updated: July 01, 2024 10h29 PM

Authorities and guests attended the launch ceremony of AEB at Casa Brasil IBGE - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics launched, at Casa Brasil today (26), in an event at Casa Brasil IBGE, located at Palácio da Fazenda, downtown Rio de Janeiro (RJ), the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil (AEB), in its first digital version as a web page, hosted on the IBGE website.

AEB presents an overview of the country, showing its territorial, environmental, demographic and socioeconomic data by means of tables, graphs and texts. Having been published for 88 years, the Yearbook has information produced by the IBGE and by other information producers.

Attended by more than 50 people, including IBGE civil servants, authorities and primary education students who also visited was streamed on Digital IBGE ( and on the Institute’s social media channels (Youtube, Instagram and Facebook).

Marcio Pochmann, president of the Institute, stated that, “since it was launched, the digital and interactive Statistical Yearbook of Brazil, has been a symbol of the great efforts made by the IBGE, in a democratic, participative and transparent way, in a moment when digital transformation is extremely significant and is changing the form of surveys.”

Marcio Pochmann, president of the Institute, soke about the efforts made by the IBGE towards the formulation of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

The executive coordinator of the publication, Isabela Torres, referring mainly to the innovations in this edition, explained that “for the first time in its history of over 80 years, the AEB will not have its traditional printed version. For 88 years, by means of tables, graphs and texts, it has presented an overall view of the country in its territorial, environmental, demographic and socioeconomic aspects. Now we are launching it for the first time as a digital and interactive format, which is a landmark of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil.”

The changes will make it easier for users to access information, Isabela Torres added. “This innovation will bring considerable advantages to facilitate navigation and access to data and information, allowing the inclusion of interactive graphs and tables and making access to data more interesting and easier to understand. Also, with this release, we want to expand knowledge about the AEB and renew the history of this product so that it can remain for years and years to come.”

The Yearbook encompasses results of several surveys such as the Population Census, the Vital Statistics, the Annual Survey of Industry (PIA), several agricultural statistics, information from the Central Registry of Enterprises (CEMPRE), monthly retail indexes, besides the main economic aggregates of the System of National Accounts (SCN), among many other indicators.

Isabela Torres, executive coordinator of the publication, presented the innovations of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

The event was attended by authorities as the Consul General of Japan, Takashi Manabe, the Honorary Consul General of Switzerland, Jan Lomholdt, the Consul General Angola, Mateus de Sá Miranda Neto, the UN Comms Officer & Officer-in-Charge, UNIC Rio, Diego Lobo, the director of the Confucius Classroom, Ana Qiao Jianzhen, the Consul General of Peru, Carlos Garcia Castilho, and the Vice Consul of the Dominican Republic, Candy Jenniffer Báez Pérez.

High school students attend launch event of the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil

The students from the Orlando Villas Boas Municipal School, located on André Cavalcanti St., in front of the National School of Statistical Sciences, in the Cidade Nova neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). A while before the event, they visited Casa Brasil IBGE, a venue inaugurated on the 88th anniversary of the Institute, which displays historic equipment for the production of maps and questionnaires, samples of items from places such as the Roncador Reservation, in Brasília (DF), besides the world map with Brazil in the center of the projection, in gigantic format, 10x6 meters on the floor, on which visitors can walk to interact.

Cristiane Tiozzo, teaching coordinator at the school, spoke about the partnership with the IBGE by means of the National School of Statistical Sciences. “We work in an excellent partnership with ENCE, in different segments. We are happy to be part of this event, it is a new and important space for students, for geography and for the education in this country.”

Cristiane Tiozzo, teaching coordinator of the school, spoke about the partnership with the IBGE by means of the National School of Statistical Sciences - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

IBGE launches Brazilian round of the Poster Competition

During the opening of the event, the IBGE launched the Brazilian round of the Poster Competition. That is an intiative by the Institute, by means of its National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) and the IBGEeduca, website, together with the Federal University of Rio Grande – FURG, aiming at the promotion of statistical literacy for educators and students. The target audience of the competition is formed by students and teachers of Basic Education and higher education professors and it is held every two years as part of the ISLP Poster Competition 2024-2025, promoted by the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP), a project of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) – the education sector within the Internacional Statistics Institute (ISI).

The Technical Assistant to the Director of ENCE, Bianca Walsh explained that “it is important for the IBGE to take up this role in national statistical literacy at national level.” Four categories will participate: primary education I, primary education II, high school and higher education students.

Technical Assistant to the Director of ENCE, Bianca Walsh presented the Brazilian round of the Poster Competition - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

IBGE launches vacation course at Casa Brasil IBGE

On July 8, 15 and 22, the IBGE will give free workshops during the school vacation, following the thematic guidelines of the Institute: “Public policies in the digital era: Mastering IBGE data.” A total of 100 will be offered for each class, and the course will take place from 10 am to noon. Registration is open at the IBGE Virtual Shop.

The workshops "Public policies in the digital area: Mastering IBGE data" will give students, professors, members of the academic community, public administrators, employees of non-profit organizations (NGOs), among others, proper guidance on the access and use of data and information produced by the IBGE according to best practices to fulfill their need and interests for studies, research or work.

Leandro Albertini, coordinator of the Department of Online Services Experience and Services (CDDI/CEON) explained that “the workshop is intended to facilitate access to information produced by the IBGE; part of our team will be in charge of it and users will have the chance to access platforms such as Cidades (Cities), Países (Countries) and the website itself, learning how to navigate the pages and interactive portals, and how to analyze maps and graphs.”

Leandro Albertini, coordinator of the Department of Online Experience and Services, presented the vacation course that will take place at Casa Brasil IBGE - Photo: Marcio Costa/IBGE News Agency

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