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2022 Census

2022 Census: Brazil has 106,8 million addresses and 22.8% of them do not have numbers

Section: IBGE | Luiz Bello | Design: Claudia Ferreira

June 14, 2024 10h00 AM | Last Updated: June 19, 2024 06h51 PM

  • Highlights

  • During the 2022 Census, around 34.0 million new addresses were added to the National Address File for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), which was created by the IBGE in 2005 and is constantly being updated.
  • The analysis of CNEFE attributes shows that the country had 24.4 million addresses without numbers (22.8% of the total) and 2.7 million addresses in places without names.
  • Brazil has 72.4 million addresses located on streets, 10.7 million addresses on avenues and 7.1 million addresses on roads. Alleys, lanes and farms are also among the main types.
  • The country has 3.3 million addresses in places whose name has the word “São” or “Santa” (Saint) and 171.7 thousand addresses in places whose name has the word “Brasil” (Brazol).
  • During the 2022 Census collection, the country had 3.5 million buildings under construction or renovation, of which 605.2 thousand were in the state of São Paulo.
  • Around 13.3 million addresses in the country are in condominiums, 3.6 million of which are in condominiums comprisong from 6 to 20 addresses.
  • CNEFE data helped public authorities face calamities in Alagoas and Pernambuco, in 2010, in Brumadinho (MG), in 2019, in São Sebastião (SP), in 2023, and in Rio Grande do Sul, in 2024.
  • CNEFE is essential for structuring the samples of IBGE household surveys, such as the Continuous PNAD and the Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF).
  • CNEFE addresses were also aggregated by Postal Address Codes - CEP (ZIP codes).
CNEFE data is georeferenced and can be used in several ways, including to face public calamities. - Photo: IBGE Collection

The IBGE releases today (14) the complete version of the National Address Files for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), which contains microdata with the main attributes of the country's 106,814,877 addresses. These attributes include the name of the street, address number and modifier, complement, location, ZIP code, type of housing unit visited, type of building and names of establishments, among others.

The release includes an event at the headquarters of Banco do Nordeste, in Fortaleza (CE), located at 5700, Dr. Silas Monguba Av., Passaré neighborhood, starting at 10 am. In the afternoon, from 2 pm to 6 pm, the IBGE will carry out the workshop "A Territory of Information: Potentialities of 2022 Census Data", which will seek to present, in addition to the technical and operational aspects of the survey, its potential for decision-making by local managers.

According to CNEFE, in the period covered by the 2022 Census collection, the country had 3.5 million buildings under construction or renovation, of which 605.2 thousand were in the state of São Paulo - home to the largest number of this type of addresses, among the 27 Federation Units. CNEFE also informs whether these constructions or renovations will have residential, non-residential, mixed or undetermined use.

2022 Census included 34 million new addresses in CNEFE

Organized by the IBGE since 2005, CNEFE is the main collection of addresses in the country with national coverage and public access. It is updated periodically and is completely revised during population censuses.

The 2022 Census work, for example, began with a preliminary list of 89,327,652 addresses. Of these, 81.5% were confirmed and 18.5% were excluded during the collection, which added 33,992,241 new addresses to CNEFE. “The contribution of the 120 thousand enumerators was fundamental. It was the routes they took and their coverage work that allowed us to have the product that we are delivering to society today”, observes Eduardo Baptista, manager of CNEFE.

CNEFE is essential not only to guide enumerators during the census operation, but also to structure the samples for IBGE household surveys. “The Continuos PNAD, for example, is already using data from the updated CNEFE”, observes Mr. Baptista.

Brazil has 24.4 million addresses without numbers

An analysis of the various CNEFE attributes shows that the country has 24.4 million unnumbered addresses (or 22.8% of total addresses) and the majority of them are in Goiás (2.46 million). In addition, there are 438.0 thousand addresses identified by road mileage. Among these, 76.1 thousand are in Rondônia, the Federation Unit with the highest occurrence of this modifier.

The addresses were also grouped by the most common types of public places. Thus, the country has 72.4 million addresses located on streets, 10.7 million addresses on avenues and 7.1 million addresses on roads. Alleys, farms and lanes are also among the major types.

The country also has 2.7 million addresses in unnamed places, with the largest number in Bahia (314.5 thousand). In addition, there are 171.7 thousand addresses in public places whose name contains the word “Brasil” ("Brazil").

The CNEFE manager notes: “The address is also an indicator of citizenship. This means that the citizen who lives at an address without a number or on a street or avenue without a name is suffering some type of deficit in his citizenship, due to the non-formalization of that address or street by the municipal public authorities”.

There are also 2.3 million addresses in places whose name has the word “São” ("Saint" - masculine), in addition to 1.7 million addresses in places with “Doutor” ("Doctor"), 1.0 million addresses in places whose name contains “Santa” ("Saint" - feminine) and 483.5 thousand addresses in public places that have “Presidente”("President") in their name, among other examples.

The CNEFE also reveals that, among its addresses, there are 90.6 million private households and 104.5 thousand collective ones, in addition to 264.4 thousand educational establishments and 247.5 thousand health establishments, among other categories.

Condominiums comprise 13.3 million addresses in the country

Brazil has 13,285,465 addresses located in condominium arrangements, with 3.6 million addresses in condominiums with between 6 and 20 addresses, 2.7 million in condominiums with between 21 and 50 addresses, 2.2 million in condominiums with between 51 and 100 addresses and 4.8 million in condominiums with more than 100 addresses.

The IBGE considers condominium arrangements to be co-ownership between different people of the same property. Condominium arrangements were identified as those that had six or more permanent private households in a building characterized as a “town house or condominium” or “apartment” on the same block and, in addition, shared the same street, number, location and ZIP code.

CNEFE can help public authorities deal with calamities

On February 2, the IBGE had already released the Geographic Coordinates of the Address Species of the 2022 Population Census (in Portuguese). Later, on May 21, the release of the CNEFE microdata was brought forward, to assist government agencies in dealing with the floods in Rio Grande do Sul.

In the picture below, an example of the application of this information, showing, based on CNEFE georeferenced data, the addresses affected by flooding in the municipality of Lajeado (RS). At the time of the analysis depicted in the picture, these flooded addresses included, among other examples, 4,600 private households, 82 buildings under construction and 15 educational establishments.

Flooded area in the municipality of Lajeado (RS) overlaid with information from CNEFE/Lajeado Municipal Council

CNEFE data was also used to support the action strategy of government and Civil Defense bodies in the calamities that occurred in Alagoas and Pernambuco, in 2010, in Brumadinho (MG), in 2019, and in São Sebastião (SP), in 2023, among other occasions.

With accurate information about the location of households and establishments, the three spheres of government can carry out more efficient planning of public infrastructure, identifying regions with greater demand for transportation, schools, hospitals, waste collection, water and electricity supply and, even , facilitating the delivery of mail.

Mr. Baptista says that “CNEFE information is extremely useful for characterizing different occupancy patterns, identifying vertical areas or areas with a large number of buildings under construction. Furthermore, CNEFE offers other institutions, either public or private, an important repository of addresses for household survey samples.”

IBGE organized CNEFE addresses by ZIP code

This CNEFE release contains addresses aggregated by Postal Address Code (ZIP code). “It will be possible to know, for instance, how many households and establishments are linked to each of the more than 931,499 ZIP codes associated with addresses in CNEFE. This detail meets the demands of various users of our data”, observes Mr. Baptista.

CNEFE brings 5,570 files in CSV format, with information from each municipality in the country. The data is also in 27 CSV files per Federation Unit, for broader geographic sections. There is also a spreadsheet with data aggregated by ZIP code. This material is accompanied by a methodological note and data dictionary. CNEFE files can be used in Geographic Information Systems, to generate maps and cartograms, even combined with other layers of information on various platforms, such as Google Earth.

More about the survey

The Population Census is the most complete statistical operation carried out in the country, going to all households in the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities and collecting the addresses and geographic coordinates of the types of addresses visited by enumerators.

The National Address File for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE) is the main repository of addresses with national coverage and public access. The CNEFE seeks to register all addresses of housing units built or under construction and provides information such as street, location, ZIP code and number, as well as complements that differentiate addresses in the same position in the street. To complement the location of addresses, a pair of geographic coordinates is associated with this record.

Data can be viewed on the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI) and on the 2022 Census overview.

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