IBGE receives International Labour Organization to discuss South-South Cooperation and Emerging Partnerships
May 22, 2024 04h14 PM | Last Updated: May 22, 2024 11h41 PM

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) met with the Head of the Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit of the ILO (OIT), Anita Amorim, on Wednesday, 22, on the headquarters of the Institute, in Rio de Janeiro. The main purpose of the meeting was to advance in monitoring the South-South meeting of the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community (CPLP), with regard to support to knowledge management in Portuguese speaking African Countries (PALOP), besides the role played by the IBGE in the field of labor statistics and in studies about equality in G20 countries.
Ivone Lopes Batista, director of Geosciences, Elizabeth Hypólito, director of Surveys, César Marques, assistant director of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE/IBGE), Roberto Sant’Anna, manager of International Relations and Luís Vitagliano, Cimar Azevedo and Denis Gimenez, advisors to the president, represented the Institute in the meeting.
Ivone Lopes Batista spoke about the difference between the IBGE and Other statistical offices in Latin America and Portuguese speaking countries. “Brazil takes the lead because of the integration between Geography and Statistics, observed since the creation of the Institute. That is a gift to the country, as, besides presenting statistics, we also show the spatial dynamics of the Brazilian territory, and that can be shared with other countries and organizations, such as the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC,” the director of Geosciences explained.

Anita Amorim, on behalf of ILO, explained that “the Organization shares a history of a long partnership with the Institute. In November last year, we had a meeting with statistical offices from Portuguese speaking African countries and with the IBGE, as part of a positive south-south triangular cooperation, which can be employed in statistical learning. We got to learn a little more about the IBGE work plan, identified initiatives in the field of care, climate changes in a world of major events such as the meeting with G20 and COP-30”.
Roberto Sant’Anna, manager of Institutional Relations of the IBGE, highlighted that “ILO is one of our partners and it has worked in partnership with us in some activities. Brazil has participated actively in the International Conference of Labor Statisticians, CIET, being a reference in this case. Having this event as a basis, we will come up with a joint agenda aiming at cooperation in G20 activities, and in activities with South-South Portuguese Speaking African Countries.”
César Marques spoke about the importance of the meeting for ENCE. “Events like this one are crucial for strengthening training initiatives at PALOPS, besides giving visibility to our own actions and disseminating information about surveys and case studies we produce on labor market, gender and environmental issues,” said the assistant director of the National School of Statistical Sciences.