RS Superintendency
IBGE’s Civil servants from Rio Grande do Sul engage in humanitarian initiative to help people affected by floods
May 15, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 15, 2024 05h14 PM

The greatest environmental tragedy in the history of Rio Grande do Sul, and one of the biggest ever seen in Brazil, has mobilized people from all over the country to help victims and send donations, equipment, professionals and volunteers engaged in the rescue of residents and animals. Given the urgency and the multiplicity of needs, the IBGE and its civil servants from all over the state, either individually or collectively, have also been making efforts to offer flood victims humanitarian aid.
IBGE’s fleet of cars at the rescue of people and animals
In Porto Alegre, a task force was formed with members of the IBGE Branch serving the capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the cities of Guaíba and Eldorado do Sul, which were also hit by the flood. Leandro Brunholi Ramos, head of the Porto Alegre Branch, says that work started as soon as the metropolitan area as flooded: “We are civil servants working for the federal government and helping is one of our duties”. Having kept in contact with authorities from the three municipalities, the Branch offered its fleet of cars and the services of employees “we have huge cars that carry a good amount of cargo and are well accepted by the population.”
Since Tuesday, 7, with the help from the head of the IBGE’s Superintendency in Rio Grande do Sul (SES/RS), the team has been out in the field helping transport people rescued by boat in flooded areas of capital Porto Alegre and that had been transferred to the homes of relatives or to shelters in the capital. Throughout the week, major donations campaigns were organized in the state and all over the country. On Thursday, 9, upon the arrival of more than 30 thousand liters of water to the state, the IBGE group started working side by side with other volunteers to unload and distribute the plastic drums. Approximately 8 thousand liters were distributed by the IBGE civil servants, using the Institute’s vehicles, in hospitals, shelters, associations and community kitchens in Porto Alegre, a little more than 25% of the amount received. Since Friday, 10, the WhatsApp group IBGE Solidário POA – Voluntários (Solidary IBGE POA – Volunteers) has facilitated communication and optimize efforts.

In Viamão, in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, there has also been significant participation of IBGE civil servants since Sunday, 5. As the number of victims and the demands increased, the group was divided to aid in different ways, ranging from the rescue of persons from flooded areas to the production and distribution of food in shelters. Clothes, blankets, diapers and other personal hygiene items were collected, as well as animal feeds for the rescued pets.
Caxias do Sul Branch helped the Cross during donation distribution
With the increasing difficulties to reach Porto Alegre, Caxias do Sul, approximately 130 km far from the capital, has become an important distribution center in the state. The IBGE Branch in Caxias joined efforts with the Red Cross logistics center headquartered in the municipality and has worked the entire week to receive, sort out, clean, organize and transport donations. “We lack volunteers here during the week, because our city is working and people have their jobs. So we have been of good help since Monday,” remarks Clademir Guielcer de For, head of the Caxias do Sul Branch. Two civil servants went by car to the municipality of Taquara, 140 km away, to deliver basic items to people affected by the flood.

In Taquara, IBGE civil servants volunteer for cleaning activities and preparation of shelters in Três Coroas, one of the most affected municipalities within the range of the Branch. The IBGE team also in the distribution of animal feed at the Municipal Gymnasium of Três Coroas.
Rio Grande do Sul Union Center - ASSIBGE promotes campaign for donations of money
Since May 6, the Rio Grande do Sul Union Center - ASSIBGE has promoted a campaign for donations of money to help flood victims. IBGE civil servants from all over the country, and the several union centers of ASSIBGE, have helped via bank transfers at pix
Besides collective initiatives, civil servants from the Superintendency and from the 36 IBGE Branches in Rio Grande do Sul report individual actions of different types, such as collection of money, donations in general, purchase and distribution of food products and caring for people in shelters.
Although the IBGE Superintendency in Porto Alegre remains flooded, administrative and technical activities remain being conducted remotely, with a focus on the help in the areas hit by floods, and the support from technical teams in Rio de Janeiro.
Last week, the IBGE released a note about the impact of this situation on IBGE surveys and indicators. Click here to read.
“The IBGE and its civil servants will keep working in this humanitarian initiative all over the state, in partnership with the Civil Defense and trying to help the population in all forms possible. Our civil servants feel represented in the solidarity and fraternity actions promoted by colleagues from Rio Grande do Sul. Our work all over Brazil will not stop. We remain united!,” said Marcio Pochmann, presidente of the IBGE.