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2022 Census

Video shows enumerators testing the Census in the entire country

Section: IBGE | Adriana Saraiva

November 19, 2021 02h00 PM | Last Updated: November 19, 2021 04h48 PM

Nearly 250 IBGE enumerators are involved in the test of the Census in the entire country - Photo: Jessica Cândido/IBGE News Agency

The community of Novo Remanso, in Itacoatiara (AM), the neighborhood of Amaralina, in Salvador (BA), and the municipality of Tigrinhos (SC) were some of the 27 localities that received the National Test of the 2022 Census, which started on November 4 in all the state units. Up to the end of November, 250 IBGE enumerators will visit households to test equipment, data collection systems, questionnaires and the approach to the informant in the context of the pandemic.

As of June next year, the IBGE will enumerate more than 70 million Brazilian households.

The tests comprise all the steps of the Census, including the training of enumerators, installation of data collection stations, survey of the surroundings, mixed data-collection model, mobilization of residents and communication. To guarantee the security of enumerators and residents during the tests, the IBGE teams will follow health protocols against Covid-19, like the use of masks, cleaning hands and equipment with alcohol gel and social distancing.

“These localities were strategically selected aiming at improving the data collection processes, taking into account the different regional characteristics which are a mark of our country,” stated Eduardo Rios Neto, president of the IBGE.

To test specific characteristics of a census operation, data will be also collected in subnormal agglomerates (slums) and in improvised housing units (such as buildings under construction and shacks) in Nova Iguaçu (RJ). Indigenous lands and quilombola territories in Angra dos Reis and Paraty, in the south of Rio de Janeiro, will also be enumerated from November 24 onwards to test specific health protocols, behavior and approach norms, data collection procedures and questions that will be only made to this population.

How to check the id of interviewers

IBGE´s enumerators work with a uniform, including a blue cap, vest and bag with the IBGE´s logo. The vest also shows the identification badge, including the photograph, registration and id numbers of the interviewer. They will use a blue DMC, similar to a smartphone, to collect information. The residents can check the identity of all interviewers through the website or phone 0800 721 8181.

As it happens in all the IBGE´s surveys, the information provided by residents to enumerators is confidential.

New selection process for the Census

The IBGE is now hiring a new company to carry out the selection process for the 2022 Census. Last October 18, the selection for enumerators and census agents, which was suspended since April, was canceled by the IBGE. The agreement with Cebraspe, which would carry out the selection, was not renewed and the enrollment rate will be reimbursed to the candidates. New information about the reimbursement of the rate and the beginning of the enrollment in the new selection process will be soon released by the Coordination of Communication in the official channels.

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