Censo 2020
Selection process for census analysts has 25,787 enrolled
August 21, 2019 10h05 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2019 11h21 AM

Today, August 21, 25,787 enrollments were registered for 400 temporary jobs of the IBGE´s simplified selection process. Distributed along 20 careers requiring higher education for all the Federation Units, the jobs will be occupied by professionals who will work as census analysts in the 2020 Census.
The chart below shows the total number of enrollments per knowledge area and, on the right side of this page, you can find the list of candidates per career in each state.
Consisting of 60 objective questions of Portuguese, specific knowledge and logical thinking, the test will be applied on September 1st. The tests for the candidates of the knowledge area of quantitative methods will not have questions on logical thinking. Those approved are scheduled to be called from September 27 onwards.