International Relations
IBGE will represent Brazil in UN Statistical Commission for the next 4 years
May 21, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 21, 2019 06h25 PM

The IBGE will represent Brazil in the UN Statistical Commission for the next four years (2020-2023), after an election promoted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, in the beginning of May. Brazil will be one of the 24 members of the group, joining Colombia, Mexico and Peru as a representative of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Having been elected, the IBGE will give its contributions to the development of the global statistical system, which faces challenges such as the elaboration of indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDO), the analysis of big data and integration between geography and statistics.
The Institute had last taken part in the Commission between 2014 and 2017, having also been president of the group for the first time in its last two years of office. “Being elected means a compliment to our work. It is the result of a positive process of international integration by the IBGE, mainly in the last 10 years”, Roberto Sant’Anna, IBGE's International Relations Assistant, highlights.
The UN Statistical Commission was created in 1947 as a representative of the global statistical system. It works on the development of national statistics and on the improvement of comparability. The Commission also manages the statistical activities of specialized bureaus and advises UN agencies on issues related to the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical information.